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  1. The Great Sengoku Rance Conquest, 1st Stop Hara or Bust

    by , October 16th, 2013 at 04:41 PM (The Random Ideas and Thoughts of a Fellow Magus)
    Hi there folks, Milbunk here with a new set of blogs that I felt like making for various reasons, (The biggest being boredom.)

    Anyway welcome to the Great Sengoku Rance Conquest! In this series of blogs I plan to play the Free For All version of Sengoku Rance with each house giving a little story about how I fared, what the house was like, their story, and more.

    Since this is the first in the series expect a big of testing different ways that I'll tell about em and such ...
  2. Never, never would I play like that again.

    by , October 16th, 2013 at 12:47 PM (The madman's asylum)
    For the sake of all that's holy, never do play in Munchkin with only three players. Two hours and a half, and after a series of curses and deaths we've gone all the way to the first levels. Argh. I've won with the third level, because it became such a bothersome torture to play any further.
  3. DSM 2.0: We Did (Not) Really Die

    So, remember ye old Dark Side of the Moon forums? The one that supposedly died earlier this year?

    Dark Side of the Moon Forums isn't really dead. Well, the forum we used to direct you to is dead. But here's the thing. We let it die on purpose. We did that so we could rebuild DSM and start out fresh and brand new:

    In a way, it's a good thing. DSM has been improved in every single way. It's prettier now, we have a ton ...
  4. Is this what being old and crabby is like?

    Oh god, it's finally happening. I've reached the age where I've stopped being able to enjoy things that I used to love. The age where cruel reality finally begins to crush my idealistic hopes and dreams under its mighty boot, where funny youtube videos make me sigh instead of laugh. 'Tis horrible indeed, when I'm reduced to watching Two Best Friends Let's Playing Metal Gear Rising for hours on end, occasionally sprinkling in some all too sparse Epic Rap Battles to spice things up.

    Of ...
  5. Polly's Arthurian Lectures - Introduction

    As promised, the lectures on the Arthurian legend(s) and its lore begin.
    ( This is just an introductory post, though, and it will also serve as a table of contents for later blog entries, so you'll be able to browse all entries and articles from this post. )


    There's no denying the fact that the Arthurian legend and some of its characters ...

    Updated October 16th, 2013 at 11:41 AM by Polly
