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Elf's Random Musings

Urban Fantasy and Breaking The Heroic Vampire Mold

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Crimson was bleeding into the edges of Forest’s vision as hyperawareness overtook her. Canines began to lengthen, sharpen, and throb in her jaw, poking painfully at her lower lip. An odd stillness overtook her as she eyed the furrows carved in the Camaro’s side before looking at the charging werewolves. Her hand went to her gun, the handle all too familiar in her hands. The revolver slid free of its holster before it was leveled at the closest werewolf. Her thumb pulled the hammer back. The chamber spun, sliding one of the mammoth bullets into place.

Iron sights focused below the center of two glowing yellow eyes before the trigger was squeezed. A deafening blast roared out as fire exploded from the barrel. A fount of gore burst forth from the werewolf’s head as his body was thrown back. The force of the recoil reverberated through Forest’s arm, but she was barely jarred back as she pivoted to the second closest werewolf.

Before she could line up her sites or fan back the hammer for a quick shot, she caught a blur of dark fur out of the corner of her eye. A heavy, jarring impact reverberated through her bones and lifted her off the ground before she was aware of the rush of air around her. Automatically, she twisted to direct her landing, but a sharp jerk to her right ankle threw off her trajectory.

A fiery hot tinge shot up through her leg as it was jerked up and away before a sickening wet pop filled the air. Bones, muscle, and sinew raged in protest and all of her nerves shot with an intense agony that made her cry out. The appendage was still attached, but it lay at an odd angle from her body when she landed against a concrete wall. Bruising force reverberated throughout her spine to the rest of her body, causing her teeth to grind in response.

Red filled her vision and made her fangs throb. She looked up to see the scarred werewolf right before her as she swung the barrel towards his face. The hammer was pulled back down, and she squeezed the trigger. Fire erupted through the barrel again as the gunshot thundered through the air.

At the last moment the Alpha wolf had swung down out of her line of fire only to clamp down on her wrist. Forest screamed as sharp teeth and crushing force tore through her wrist as if it was nothing. Cold blood began to pour out of the wound, smearing the werewolf’s maw as her fingers trembled. The .44 fell to the ground with a sickening crash as terrible teeth ground through her wrist.

Forest had once read that a wolf’s average bite power was about fifteen hundred pounds per square inch; it would have been like sitting her wrist under a broomstick with a Volkswagen Bug resting on top of it. Someone had one explained to her that it was to get through about six inches of hide and bone through a moose’s rear end. The thing of it was she knew all of that power was just something a normal wolf had with it to survive.

Werewolves weren’t natural by any extent of the word; they were Cursed. The Curse called forth the bastardization of wolf and man and all of the positive attributes of either were eradicated in its wake. Part of being unnatural and cursed was strength beyond either side’s normal means. A werewolf had no problem crumpling steel with its powerful jaws.

As strong as Forest was, her muscle and bone structure didn’t differ that much from a human’s.
Forest has been a character that I've created and worked with since high school, and she's evolved as I grew up and then grew older. She began as, well not really a brooding heroic vampire because part of the point was to rebel against the Angel and Nick Knight mode, more of an anti-hero. A hit woman with a heart of gold, but who's morality was questionable. Because I was a teenager and thought that was "edgy and cool".

As time went on she became more of a moral fag and well, sort of more I don't want to say blond, but someone with an impulse problem. Then again, she's an eternal 19 year old. So I took from that angle, the mind set of someone in their late teens-early twenties who grew up in a warrior culture having to deal with immortality and all the shit that it entails.

Of course a leading lady needs a cast of characters so Wynn and Gabriel grew from that. The idea of a Faerie having a vampire godmother was just sort of amusing to me. Not to mention the amoralness (is that even a word) of the Faerie is fun to write compared to Forest's fairly strict moral code. There are other characters I want to write about later (and have written about in the past, but that's another story) that I want to share with readers.

Then there are characters that people are adoring now, like the antagonist Rufus, the hired muscle for the incubus Uriah for his slave ring. I wanted to keep the threat simple; this is an introductory tale after all. Got to get the bare bones of the world building out of the way while hooking readers in with a fun story.

With lesbians, okay, well bisexual Faeries who have the ability to make shadow tentacles if she so wishes.

I almost had a novella deal with Forest years ago that fell through, however like my plucky heroine I'm a hard chick to go down. Sure it's years later, but Forest is back with her gun, quips, and one bitching car ready to fight the forces of Evil. Which brings me to . . . .

Today is the last day for votes to count for June's JukePop Serials. Apparently, I'm close to entering the JP30- the top 30 highest ranking stories on the site and the ones who get more rewards after getting paid. I would like to thank all the people who've already read and voted, it means a lot to me.

If you haven't, well, I hope you do. You can vote for every chapter. I would love to see my fanfic audience read my original stuff and hopefully love it as much as I do.]The Law Unto Herself Chronicles[/url] and I would love to have your support.

Plus, wouldn't it be awesome to have a member of the Beast's Lair community be one of the top 30 stories?

And if you're wanting to see if my quirky dialogue is in tact . . .

“Lack of Maiden on the jukebox?” the elf asked with a smile that displayed slightly elongated canines.

Forest leaned against the wall and answered, “Iron Maiden. No Dio either.”

“Heavy metal fan,” the elf said with a nod, “I enjoy punk more myself.”

Forest sat up and said, “The Ramones live were amazing.” Then she tilted her head and asked, “So, what brings you over here?”

The elf shrugged, and her left ear twitched slightly. Law Unto Herself comes in guns a blazing, even though the werewolf probably deserved it, and looking for info. The elf’s voice was almost like a whisper in Forest’s mind. Quiet, but Forest got the sense that the elf really didn’t need to raise her voice too often. Aloud, the elf said, “Luckily, this place has wards to keep the mundane folk from hearing things when it gets too rowdy in here.”

“Which is pretty much all the time,” Forest replied. In the elf’s mind she sent back, I’m on Council business, unofficially, but I want to check something out because I’ve got a Feeling.

I’m with the Church,
the elf replied as she leaned forward and lifted a fine silver chain from her shirt. A flash of oppression hit Forest like a fist at the sight of the gleaming silver cross displayed from the elf’s elegant fingers before being tucked into her shirt. “Well with someone shooting poor werewolves and everything,” the elf said aloud with a grin.

Forest tilted her head and replied mentally, So, do I have the honor of speaking with Isolde Snow then? “He got into my personal space, so I responded. With extreme prejudice”

“With a gun,” the elf replied before answering, Indeed you are.

Then why are you here? World’s End isn’t for the Jesus crowd.
“Very extreme prejudice,” Forest said with a grin.

Not all of us hunters from the Church are a bunch of repressed assholes, Isolde sent before taking a sip from her tankard. “But it’s messy,” the elf said before pointing her glass in the direction of the irate goblin cleaning up blood and werewolf bits.

As someone present to the Spanish Inquisition, I’ll have to say your sort is few and far between, Forest replied. “But you said you like punk music. The Clash had better be on that list.”
