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  1. Next on Let's Play!

    Just now updated the Let's Play of Battle Moon Wars! Stage 6 is up, so go read it! (or not!)


    In other news, my Let's Play is still better than the other guy's. Just sayin'.
  2. Biology class and slaughterhouses

    by , September 24th, 2012 at 06:46 PM (Random Musings)
    Today during biology class, my teacher showed the class a documentary entitled "The meat is weak", about how the meat industry damages the environment, is cruel and other things, like how newborn chicks that aren't 'perfect' are handled like objects and simply throw away.

    In the video, there was a segment showing the entire process when the animals enter the slaughterhouse and get out of it was pieces of meat. EXPLICIT scenes of animals having their ENTIRE skin ripped while ...
  3. Fate/Extra thoughts

    by , September 24th, 2012 at 06:04 PM (Illya's #1 fangirl)
    Since I finished up all 3 servants routes in extra a bit ago, here is my general thoughts.

    -The first time through the game, which was my first contact with Fate or Type-Moon in general, I decided to go with Caster mostly because she's cute. This was a huge mistake and I put many, many, stat points into things I shouldn't have and didn't recover from it till around the 7th week. That being said, Caster is my favorite of the Extra servants partly because of her personality but also because ...
    Tags: fate/exta
  4. Bad Day

    Just finished my shitload of homework for the day, I get online, and BL's broken. Well Fuck.

    (BTW I don't blame any of the mods or admins for this)
  5. Sorry, guys.

    by , September 23rd, 2012 at 11:39 PM (Beam's Blog of Writing and Other Things.)
    Yeah, and sad to say even if it's broken, there isn't much I can do to try and fix it because I don't know how to. I'm really sorry about that, everyone.