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  1. Exploring the stars in No Man's Sky.

    Love it or hate it, I've been playing a lot of it, having put in over 100 hours in the last two weeks.

    For what it's worth, I will say the game definitely has its problems. It's by no means worth $60 in its current state, and if you actually want to do more than explore planets, it's probably not good for you to play at the moment.

    That said, I do think that despite the considerable discrepancies from the trailers to the game, the devs will actually grow it into that. Within ...
  2. Go home and be a family man

  3. Some background noise

    by , August 22nd, 2016 at 04:24 PM (From the Depth of Bloody Bokusu)
    Probably no suitable place to rant than here, again probably.

    Gone, it was gone. A short story (probably a snippet to eyes of the most) due to a shitty bug. The file size is still correct but apparently the content was magically replaced with magically blanks ( or squares when i change on certain font.).
    Nothing can be done, it's all gone. Manage to recover some of the story but the part that matters gone, eaten, poof. The salvageable part is just the rewrite, a slight modification ...
    Tags: rant
  4. She stopped…

    I finally conceded to give the Tamamo in my head an alternate ending, so she finally disappeared, receding back into my subconscious where she belongs.

    Why do I suddenly feel an indescribable emptiness deep within myself?
  5. What Do You Mean It's Not a Machine Translation?

    Perverse Cried #1

    A Touhou non-H doujin about Sekibanki, Rumia, and alienation.

    I now understand why a scanlation takes a while.

    Remilia tries her hand at cooking.

    Updated August 22nd, 2016 at 06:39 PM by Frostyvale
