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Life goes on.

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My father passed away last night.

He was only 39.

I have to be strong now. R.I.P. Dad.

I won't be on here for awhile. But I'll be okay guys.


  1. Ivan The Mouse's Avatar
  2. Kieran's Avatar
    I'm terribly sorry for your loss.
  3. Dark Pulse's Avatar
    Sheesh, what is it with fathers dying lately? First mine, now yours.

    Still, as young as mine was (52), 39 is even worse. My condolences.
  4. Spinach's Avatar
    Sorry to hear it, Hazama. My condolences.
  5. Laith's Avatar
    Hmm, no much to say other than I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences
  6. ZidanReign's Avatar
    Thank you for your condolences. It's much appreciated.
  7. ZidanReign's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Pulse
    Sheesh, what is it with fathers dying lately? First mine, now yours.

    Still, as young as mine was (52), 39 is even worse. My condolences.
    He was going to turn 40 in July. The worst thing is that this wasn't a natural death.

    Here's an article if you wish to read. Please note my Dad lived with us in Killeen and was not a "Temple Man".
  8. Dark Pulse's Avatar
    Neither was my father's, from what I know. He was a pretty big, strong guy most of his life, and what killed him, killed him a week and a half after he went into the hospital. (Actually, he didn't die from what he went in the hospital for, but it ravaged his body to the point he had a heart attack and that is what directly killed him.)

    Still, that's indeed tragic. Hopefully it wasn't an impaired driver or something like that. If this was a tragic accident, I'd actually feel bad for the driver who hit him in some ways - the guilt of something like that on my soul would eat me alive for a long, long time.

    ...And if they were impaired, hopefully they get punished.

    Ironically enough, what you titled this blog is nearly identical to what I said when I went to the hospital and found out my dad had passed. I sat alone in the room they moved his body for about ten minutes, left the room and went to the nurses on the floor, asked when, exactly, he had passed (the time of which I burned into my memory immediately), and walked outside to await my bus home.

    Someone was sitting at the bus stop. A man walked by, walking his small dog. A man was jogging towards where I was. A woman across the street was talking on her cell phone.

    And I said, in my head, to myself, "...And life went on." So it has, so it shall, even when it is our turn.

    I'm still sad over it, but I don't - and won't - let it consume me. Dad wouldn't want me to be like that, no. The greatest regret I'll have is that my kids will never know their grandfather except through pictures and stories. Hopefully they can find it in their hearts to love this man they'll never know, as well as their great-grandfather, who was one of the most generous souls I've ever known (if flawed, as we all are) and who I do think has left his mark on me.

    Hopefully you're not like one of my uncles (his brother) and had a bad relationship with him. He was absolutely torn up at the wake and the funeral, as he and dad had unresolved differences. He now has to live with that guilt for the rest of his life... a fate I'd wish on nobody.
  9. RadiantBeam's Avatar
    Sorry to hear it, Haz. May he rest in peace, and my condolences.

  10. KAIZA's Avatar
    I'm sorry for your loss, my friend. You have my condolences.