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Ogre-like Translations: Gilgamesh ・ 不明

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So I had a very busy week this week. And I'm also sick. So yeah. Sick.

正確には宝具名ではなく、乖離剣エアの全開状態を指す。遥かな太古、世界を切り裂き天と地とを分けたとされ る星造兵装。圧縮され交互に反転する人知を超えた暴風の断層は、時空断層を伴い世界ごと対象を 粉砕する。
Enuma Elish
Star of Creation that Separated Sky and Earth
: EX
Not exactly the Noble Phantasm name but refers to the sword of separation Ea’s full release form. It is considered the planet creating weapon that in the distant past separated the sky and earth. Through compression via alternating inversion a windstorm beyond human understanding faults, dislocating space and time pulverizing the target along with the world.


極めてレアな対神兵装で、捕縛対象の神性が高いほど硬度を増す。どういう経緯でギルガメッシユのかつての友 の名を冠するに至ったかは不明だが、彼はこの宝具をエアよりも信頼している。
漫画中ではその演出上、無尽蔵に伸びて縦横無尽に飛びまわるビックリ便利道具となっております 。
Chain of Heaven
: Rank Unknown
Extremely rare Anti-God weapon that increases in toughness with the target’s Divinity. The details are unclear on how Gilgamesh came to naming this after his ex-friend however he trusts this Noble Phantasm more than Ea.
In the manga it became an inexhaustible, freely stretching, flying, surprisingly convenient tool.

Next week should be the end for Gilgamesh and all the Prisma stuff that I actually have on me. Again corrections, questions, concerns, PAD IDs and Chain Chronicle IDs, discussion over the nuance of 星造兵装 is always welcome.


  1. Renko's Avatar
    Very OP weapons.
  2. Rafflesiac's Avatar
    >Rank unknown

    You had one job, Prisma. One job!
  3. mAc Chaos's Avatar
    Oh, I didn't know you were doing this, You. Cool. Why isn't this being posted in any of the threads?

    Also that bit about Ea... wasn't there a debate a while ago about whether Ea was literally responsible for creating the Earth?