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My media professor is flawless.

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She used this image today during our lecture about the media, its effects, and its messages.

She is now the most awesome professor, in my eyes.

Updated August 13th, 2012 at 10:07 PM by RadiantBeam



  1. Enhance's Avatar
    Some younger professors start using internet and memes and it actually gets fun recently.
  2. Aiden's Avatar


    Your teacher is one of the greatest people in the world.
  3. Lycodrake's Avatar
    Your media professor is awesome. And has wonderful taste.
  4. Break's Avatar
  5. KAIZA's Avatar
    Awesome. Just awesome.
  6. Elf's Avatar
    That is awesome!
  7. Heroslayer's Avatar
    I love your media professor.

    So, so very much.

    Both because this message needs to be sent and because well, internet.
  8. Mr. House's Avatar
    Your media professor got my respect Beamy.

    I like HP but I despise Twilight, so that just made my day (or to be technical, the rest of the night).
  9. mangafreak7793's Avatar
    What house said, your professor is awesome.
  10. ZidanReign's Avatar
    Your professor just sounds amazing.

    She wins every internet there is.
  11. Ivan The Mouse's Avatar
    She used one of the more sensible pictures in the Internet now.

    She's awesome, comrade.
  12. Hymn of Ragnarok's Avatar
    Yesssssssssss. Your media professor is awesome.
  13. Bittersweet's Avatar
    Ahahahah. :-D
  14. Nicktendonick's Avatar

    Granted, if my memory of that second movie is correct, he was appearing to her anytime she was in trouble, which led her to become more unstable and her drive to see her lead to do more destructive things. That, and if my memory serves me correctly, everyone was quite unhelpful to getting her through her grief.

    (But, that doesn't change much. She still BSOD'd. Hermione is quite awesome. )
  15. Kieran's Avatar
    Even as much as I despise "the love of Hermione's life" (and would otherwise vehemently protest that classification), I can't disagree with the sentiment regarding her superiority, or the utter wrongness that is thinking of Bella Swan as any kind of heroine or role model - so your teacher's point is well taken, and excellently presented. Thank you for sharing.
  16. xm0123's Avatar
    YES! Go Hermione, and go JK Rowling! And your teacher, too!

    Wow, I'm not even a huge HP fan, and Hermione's not even a favorite character of mine, but now . . . now I have newfound respect.
  17. Theocrass's Avatar
    Yeah, don't really like HP much, but this was amusing.
  18. Aiden's Avatar I'll just leave this here.
  19. Strange_One's Avatar
    Now give your lecturer this page of comments and give her a happy ^^;

    Muchos Respect.