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King of Blogs

I've been waking up recently in the past few days around this time alot now...

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To me its around 8:00PM CST.

I really need to get back to my normal sleep schedule. This one makes me feel like shit.


  1. Lycodrake's Avatar
    That's really not good, man...don't know what to say or recommend that would help, but try your best.
    It's never too late to work out a better sleeping schedule.
  2. ZidanReign's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lycodrake
    That's really not good, man...don't know what to say or recommend that would help, but try your best.
    It's never too late to work out a better sleeping schedule.
    Only reason I got like this was because of me wanting to stay awake until I went to get my Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination.

    Not the best decision...
  3. The Sylentnight's Avatar
    Ahahaha... I feel your pain man... kind of.

    Once stayed up because the neighbors were playing some Spanish music really loud right next to my room at FUCKING 4 AM SINCE THE PARTY STARTED AT 8PM THE DAY BEFORE and boy did it suck. I had to stay up though because I was expected to unlock the door for my mom and sister since they were gone and boy did it suck. I try to play Fallout 3. TRY being the key word. I had no clue what the hell I was doing and couldn't remember a single damn thing. Went to sleep at 12. Mom was yelling through the door at 2. Went back to bed. Woke up at 9PM. Sucked but I had to go back to sleep.

    At ouch on the Vaccination. I hate getting those damn things.