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Exams weeks sucks

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This week has been really stressing and my sleep schedule is pretty much messed up. Why? Exams. Studying every hour I have the chance, with barely little time to browse the internet.

On monday I had history and chemistry, both easy but only because I spent the entire weekend studying. On tuesday I had geography, I don't know how I survived through it since I came home from school late and with a headache with barely no time to study before the test. Yesterday I had history (yup, I have two history teachers), it was more or less. Today I had text writting and biology, I thought I did good on the test but the teacher looked over it and said I didn't go very well (he only looked at the multiple choice questions, which are worth less than the discursive ones, and on these I can say for sure I went well). Tomorrow I have math and chemistry (also two chemistry teachers). Nothing on saturday (yay!), but I have language and physics on monday and english on wednesday.

Now if only wednesday would come sooner, I would finally sleep in peace.


  1. Mr. House's Avatar
    I can figure that exams is a cruel, unrelenting hell until all of them are over.

    NECAPS aren't that much different over here but Goddamn, I'm wondering why I have to take them again if I pretty much passed them last year (my state is pretty much full of hypocrites).