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Nicktendonick's Blog

Blogspot #3 - So I was suppose to...

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Make some great big blog post today. But...instead I watched some stuff with my mother, and when i came here...well, I found Carnival Phantasm on youtube.

I was always planning on watching it, but I was surprised that I accidentaly found it (Youtubing OSTs). After watching 2's cold open, I knew I had to watch more. I'll say more when it's not almost 4 am.

I saw the first four of them. Gotta say, they were a blast. Love the opening too (now, just where to find a full version I can listen to?)

The cutaway scenes, the Phanta-moon and the Backally Alliance scenes...I honestly didn't like them all too much. Arc's seems, kinda overdone, and while I loved seeing more Satsuki (and those other two people), I just kinda felt it...was alright.

The rest of it, I loved. The "date plan" was pretty funny.

Though...where's Aoko?


Also, in my humanities class, the first book we had to read was the Epic of Gilgamesh.

While I lacked in Gate of Babylon spamming, it made up for in everything else. It actually was a very good tale, one of the first stories ever too. When we went indepth in the tale, the meanings and everything, it's a relevant story even for us today and much deeper then one might expect for the earliest recorded written story.

Believe it or not, but the tale of Medea's is actually next.
I know, I know. I mentally smirked when he announced it to us.

Anyway, the big game list and the big writings list are coming up...

next time,on this blog! Whenever I update it again!


  1. Neir's Avatar
    Aoko is in the EX episode.

    I STRONGLY suggest downloading them in higher quality. It's totally worth it, especially for the intro. At low res, you can miss a lot of the dancers and stuff in the back. Also, make sure you get the Ilya's Castle episode.