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I create a world of finite somethings

Curse you SAO

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Yep, okay, got what I need for the visual ending to The Hearts of the Suffering.

Random notes again
Saber worried over the changes she sees in Shirou in the ten years since HF5. There are, though, parts that are unchanged and definitely non-Archer-ish, including a sort of old campaigner perspective on allowing the little things to matter. While they're waiting to strike one of the prospective summoners who is in Australia (thus, it is summer as the Great Grail system starts activating), they take a moment to sit out under the shade.

So Saber, after returning to her own time and then to Avalon, rests amidst the trees and grass, doing the whole endlessly waiting thing but content to even just wait forever anyway. After all, she knows he'll be doing the same occasionally, so its like he's there with her? Alternatively, instead of going for the Last Episode scene, it still works, since, when she returns to die, she's beneath a tree talking about resting?

Anyway, Fate/Far Side done. Working on some metaphysical stuff in Shared Resonance. Only a week left before school begins. Bleh.


  1. mangafreak7793's Avatar
    A little confused are you planning on making a new story with that plot?