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Biology class and slaughterhouses

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Today during biology class, my teacher showed the class a documentary entitled "The meat is weak", about how the meat industry damages the environment, is cruel and other things, like how newborn chicks that aren't 'perfect' are handled like objects and simply throw away.

In the video, there was a segment showing the entire process when the animals enter the slaughterhouse and get out of it was pieces of meat. EXPLICIT scenes of animals having their ENTIRE skin ripped while ALIVE and other things.

Am I a bad person for laughing at those scenes and that my dinner today was minced meat?


  1. Mr. House's Avatar
    No, it just means you enjoy your meat and gore. Not in the exact order but whatever, meat is meat.
  2. ThisLoserisYou's Avatar
    No. The whole video sounds like total crap.
  3. I3uster's Avatar
    Funny, realizing what exactly I ate through films like this made me vegetarian :V
  4. ZidanReign's Avatar
    I see Deer and sometimes the occasional Bull get skinned and used for meat. Even the Tenders.

    Still ate it
  5. Ivan The Mouse's Avatar
    I've seen pig slaughter and I still like pork. No big deal.
  6. The Geek's Avatar
    I ate sausages whilst reading The Jungle. I'm pretty sure that gives you an idea of what I am like.
  7. Reekwind's Avatar
    You laughed at it? Maybe a little bad, having pleasure from seeing pain inflictited on live animals and all that.
  8. Dark Pulse's Avatar
    Sounds like one of those scare tactic films that people try to use to make people vegetarians, while completely ignoring the fact that if we didn't fortify our food with the stuff we need that plants don't make - like proteins - they'd be winding up dead. Humans evolved omnivorous for a reason.

    Are there places that do this? Yes, undoubtedly. I'd like to think most of them do not.

    Don't know if I would've laughed at it though.
  9. Mike1984's Avatar
    Honestly, this doesn't seem so much of a reason not to eat meat as it is a reason to avoid large, uncaring, faceless corporations that care only about profit....