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Crazy Hamster Time

Dammit Koto

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Quote Originally Posted by Kotonoha
I anticipate the day when the HA translation comes out and everyone realizes that Caren is the least sexually dominant character in the universe.
From the TYPE-MUN wiki:

As a priestess, Caren Hortensia has an angelic personality and is forgiving to the point that she believes her only purpose in life is to help others, even if she is hurt in the process. She never blames the person who has hurt her and blames the act on demons who caused the person to commit the sin. Whenever she is at fault, she apologizes to God rather than the person.
She'll still tease the shit out of you, though.


  1. Kotonoha's Avatar
    What, people thought I was kidding?

    Just wait until you get to her H-scene.
  2. Tobias's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotonoha
    What, people thought I was kidding?
    no, I don't think so, but considering the fanon image of caren as some kind of supertroll, maybe they hoped you were exaggerating.
  3. Break's Avatar
    Well its not exactly uncommon for people to be pretty much completely opposite in behaviour in bed compared to normal life; its actually pretty common
  4. Tobias's Avatar
    Except for one thing this, the original scene he is saying "dammit kota" about wasn't the rape scene itself but her later response to it.
  5. Break's Avatar
    Well the reaction could still be counted to " bed life" as opposed to "normal life", so my point stands, i guess.
  6. Tobias's Avatar Wait what? No, no it doesn't.
  7. Tiresias's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotonoha
    What, people thought I was kidding?

    Just wait until you get to her H-scene.
    Don't worry, Koto, I believe you! I even put that quote on my sig to enlighten others