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Tales of a Role Player who loves F/sN and Sci-Fi (among other things)

Regarding my life as a former admin for Dark Side of the Moon

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Well, things have been going pretty well for me since I had been removed from the position of admin on Dark Side of the Moon. My life hadn't thrown me any curve balls, and I am getting back onto a regular updating spree of story writing that will be updated soon. I'd say that, apart from some non-internet related things (like computer issues), I've had it better than some.

There's just one problem.

I need either a new co-author or a chance for my current co-author to learn how to fix his mistakes.

Let me make this perfectly clear. I don't hate the guy. In fact, as followers of Christ Jesus, we love each other as children of God. The problems I have with him involve the fact that he tends to insert things into stories that we work on that don't make an awful lot of sense, among other things, and that tends to grate a lot of people.

Take my current project as an example. It's a Naruto massive crossover, but it starts with some time in the Naruto world, with some things being changed in-story because of plot purposes. However, there was something he added as an epic fail on his part, and that had to do with five deader than doornail characters being brought back to life for no apparent reason (four of them as lolis).

Now, this story is going to be filled with adult content that FFN can't host, but even I have limits about what goes in a story that I write. One of those characters who were brought back as lolis happened to be Naruto's mom (speaking of which, the other three lolis at that point were the mothers of Sasuke, Hinata and Gaara respectively), and I don't care for incest stories all that much, nor do I want underage sex or similar in my stuff.

Then again, at the beginning of the story, Naruto is about to celebrate his 10th birthday the day after he's introduced... but that's not important at present.

Anyway, I just wanted to make sure that things were brought up that have been on my mind since a while ago. This is a problem that I have, needing to keep telling people things they might not want to hear.

Now... does anyone wish to help me convince my co-author he needs to grow as a writer? Actually, for that matter, does anyone wish to write this story alongside me instead of my current co-author?

Thank you all for taking the time to take a look at this. I appreciate it.


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  1. Seika's Avatar
    Regarding my life as a former admin for Dark Side of the Moon
    Uh oh.

    Huh, it actually says next-to-nothing about that. Hey, we might not blow up a third blog with huge comment wars.

    As to your problem, if you're that concerned about not being able to write along them, tell them and work out what can be done from there. (Goodness knows I wouldn't want to work with the sort of person this sounds like). There could be some drama about who 'owns' the story idea, but this looks nuts enough that you need to brave that for the sake of not having your name on ... that.

    Having done that (and only having done it because, like I said, drama), do you actually need a co-author? What's holding you back from doing it yourself if you have a vision for what you want done?

    (And he might be claiming to be a Christian, but someone eager to write about underaged sex and incest therefrom strikes me as not particularly holding to the Christian morality or really any sort of morality. I guess you still have to love him anyway, since even a failure of a Christian or a non-Christian also are kind of God's children, just not saved ones? Your religion is a lot of work, I prefer to get bloody pissed off at idiots. )
  2. Strife ❤️'s Avatar
  3. SeiKeo's Avatar
    be honest, you tried to tempt us with delicious dsm info to get us to write naruto ff
  4. Xamusel's Avatar
    @Seika: Actually, the part regarding the underaged sex and incest would be more from my observation of what I think he wants to try writing, though I have no concrete proof if that is what he wants to do with that idea.

    Well, not like it matters, because I deleted the portion of the story that had the loli stuff.

    As for "do I actually need a co-author", I'd say this. I don't have a lot of resolve to stick with one thing (something I'm working on), and I'm still trying to be a better writer that can eventually sell novels to publishers. Besides which, I've known the author in question that I'm trying to work details out with since I started writing fanfics a few years back, and I was the one to ask him to help me write stuff a long while ago (what with a Naruto/Romance of the Three Kingdoms/Saiyuki crossover idea I had back then that never panned out). If anything, I was originally hoping to get help back then, but I think I need to give the help to my friend.

    Also, yes, I have to love him anyway (if it turns out he was lying about being a Christian). I'd quote a song that deals with the topic, but I don't think that's something to do here, anyway.

    @Leo: Nah, I was going to talk about my life as a former admin, but I didn't have a real way to talk about it without turning out the way it did.
  5. RacingeR's Avatar
    Why are you still doing crossovers...
  6. Xamusel's Avatar
    Honestly? I have no idea. Maybe it's because I don't understand the appeal of non-crossovers.

    Then again, I'm trying to write a non-crossover soon, but it's not going well.
  7. RacingeR's Avatar
    Just... keep trying. Crossovers in general are bad for a writer's growth, so keep trying to do non-crossovers.

    Also, at least if you are going to do a crossover, keep it at only two verses. Multicrossovers are most of the time horrible by rule of thumb.
  8. Xamusel's Avatar
    ...Not to sound like a massive idiot, but I don't know what you mean by "rule of thumb". Care to expand on that one, Race?
  9. KAIZA's Avatar
    Well, mega-crossovers are much more difficult to pull of, since you're trying to mash a lot more, possibly wildly different or contradicting, universes and their rules into one coherent story. Normal crossovers also have this problem, but mega-crossovers have it worse due to that large amount.
  10. RacingeR's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xamusel
    ...Not to sound like a massive idiot, but I don't know what you mean by "rule of thumb". Care to expand on that one, Race?
    Eh, basically that you can almost always trust that mega-crossovers are gonna suck. Even if the writer is really good, pushing that is something most people can't, since it involves meshing the rules of way too many verses, handling way too many characters that don't have much relation with one each other, etc.

    It is not something akin to a "massive challenge" (although it can be seen at that), as something that is just not smart to do at all.
  11. Xamusel's Avatar
    Hmm... yeah, that's something I know that I have to look out for. It's going to be tough to pull off properly, but it's something I'd like to aim for.
  12. RacingeR's Avatar
    Well, you can try to do that once you are a better writer and have a lot more of experience under your belt.

    However, if you are trying to pull something like what me and Verg are trying/doing (getting published and becoming a professional author), and using fanfics to become more proficent and writing, aim for making non-crossover fics.
  13. Xamusel's Avatar
    ...That last comment was for KAIZA. This is for Race.

    I guess I'm not that smart at all, considering that I have a series that I want to pull off with this, though I don't know how many stories to do with this concept.

    I'll do what I can to keep limits on this, but it'll be tough, to say for sure.
  14. Xamusel's Avatar
    ...Actually, let me add this as an addendum.

    I do want to be a professional author, but this was an idea that had been bugging me for a long time. I want to get it published on the net and out of the way before I go about writing professional works (or similar).
  15. RacingeR's Avatar
    Eh, well, it is not a smart thing to do, but it is not like I can stop you if you want to do such.

    Good luck with that.
  16. Xamusel's Avatar
    Thanks Race.
  17. Xamusel's Avatar
    By the way, as an addendum to the problem I had, it got resolved because my co-author was willing to learn from what I told him.
  18. Frantic Author's Avatar
    Oh man, I sure am enjoying this TEN THOUSAND WORD PROLOGUE YOU POSTED

    I thought Leo and I disabused your ass of this bullshit last time: A prologue, is an opening BEFORE THE START. It is not that long, holy fuck. The average prologue should be between 2.5 and 5k, as should 90% of the chapters. Sometimes, if you're writing in chunks, you can just have 10k chapters, but then the story should either be a goddamn epic that is legitimately interesting (ie: not a crossover, 9/10 those are terrible) or have a very, very, very well made and unique way of writing. For tips on writing good crossovers, read any of Morta Priest's crossovers. You may notice that he has a very dry, very technical style, but he also can write fucking people, making it okay. Even then, he makes sure not to crossover things that aren't too different, such as, say, I dunno...

    NARUTO AND WARHAMMER 40,000. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING. Warhammer 40k is specifically grimdark in an attempt to make fun of grimdark. Naruto is a light happy go-go shonen manga!

    In addition, don't write what you DON'T. FUCKING. KNOW. Skimming, you dropped one of the most major cliches in Naruto fanfic in your prologue: Some random bitch knowing Kushina and Minato, and flipping out because omg Naruto is kawaii uguu in danger moe ;___;
  19. ZidanReign's Avatar
    Frantic posting on a blog and for serious

    The world's ending, need bomb shelter pronto
  20. ZidanReign's Avatar
    Also, Xamu stop writing Naruto fanfiction.

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