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ZeX's Little Island of Tiles, Washboards, and Digital Stuffings

Stressful Stress Relief

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So basically, mahjong is my favorite thing ever. I use it as a stress reliever, since it's fun. But then, matches like this happen.

Holy Feces on a BBQ stick. you know when first place is barely 30100 ten, shit was NOT peaceful. Also, all those wasted riichi-bou. ;_; Still managed to pull the win, but SHIT was it not easy.
Tags: mahjong


  1. MZeroX's Avatar
    forgot to mention, all of these players are 2kyuu or higher. Yeah, I'm starting to share Marth's sentiment about a rank system. I mean it's a great experience, but I felt really noobie having to declare riichi just to get an appreciable hand value.
    shit's tough. so good. but still, I only won because that last tsumo didn't get an uradora. ^^;
  2. Marth's Avatar
    As I said once before, I'm not asking for much, really. Just a simple 'Can only play against folks 2-3(?) ranks higher/lower than you' option somewhere.
    And yes, you'd likely have to wait a bit more than usual to get a match going, but that's the price you'd have to pay to have matches with others near your own skill level.
    And it's not like it'd be hard to implement, given how their ranking system works already.

    EDIT: And you can edit by clicking the pencil icon next to the blog entry's title, y'know. :P
    Updated February 17th, 2012 at 11:04 PM by Marth
  3. MZeroX's Avatar
    yeah, figured it out after i made the comment, lol. that being said, i haven't had a match that intense in a while.