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Scavenged from the Wonderland of Rebirth: Artificial Memorial of Perfection

I'm alive!

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I! Have come back! TO! LIFE!
Shinryu: (grouchy) No you haven’t. Shut up.
Haha! But now that I am talking, you have not the force of will to ignore me! (Plus, I bound you beforehand, so you can’t do a thing!)
Shinryu: (stymied) I – I – I hate you; you know that, right?
Yeah. Now, if you would excuse me, I’ve a profile and thread list to go through. Galeforce!
Shinryu: (muttering) It’s finally happened. The excessive exposure to FE:A has corrupted him. At least it affected only hi - oh who am I kidding. Luna! If you’re wearing Lucina cosplay, I swear –
Luna Sepperin Soul: (wearing a yellow raincoat, hiding something sword-like behind her back) …No?
Shinryu: … I need a drink.
O-kay, my need to express myself in multiple personalities done with, it really has been too long since I last logged on to BL.
(A quick list of things to blame include college, Spacebattles threads, FE:A, YouTube, Steam, and Demonophobia.)
But now that is done! I-! Well, y’know, I’m back. And still alive.
Shinryu: And still single.
And proud of it
Oh, stop that, my inner self of snark.
As I’ve said above, now! To the threads! *dives in, ladders-a’swingin’*


  1. Kotonoha's Avatar
  2. ItsaRandomUsername's Avatar
    oh man this again :B
  3. In-N-Out Double-Double & Animal Fries's Avatar
  4. KAIZA's Avatar
    Hey, I remember you!
    Also, nice Mary avvie.
  5. ZidanReign's Avatar
    I think I remember you.

    Being dead

  6. Kyte's Avatar
    >rping headvoices
    plz go
  7. Kotonoha's Avatar
    It's like I'm really on!
  8. Tobias's Avatar
    not sure if spambot
  9. Seika's Avatar
    Well, we were going to tell you about KOTA-bot someday, but never really got around to it. I guess it's best you found out for yourself.