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The Dark Side of the Moon (Kieran's Works)

Progress! Yay!

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Next Fic to be Updated: Trinity VII: The Twilight

Completion Level: 4.75 page (approx. 48%)

Estimated Upload Date: Thursday October 31 (hopefully)

I am about 3/4 of the way through the fight scene - and roughly halfway through the chapter, page-wise. I just need a good finish . . .

After that, I have one scene half-planned, and if I need any more - well, we'll see. In any case, it looks like I'm actually sort-of on track.

. . . And I've just jinxed myself, haven't I?
Tags: trinity


  1. Xamusel's Avatar
    It can only get better from here, Kieran, that's for sure.
  2. Vigilantia's Avatar
    "The worst is over"

    "It can't get any worse that this"

    "What's the worst that can happen?"

    "The hard parts over, what could possibly go wrong?"

    "You're almost there, how hard could it be?"
  3. Xamusel's Avatar
    ...not funny.
  4. Vigilantia's Avatar
    "only smooth sailing from here on out."
  5. Kieran's Avatar
    Well, it is - to a point . . .

    I'm almost done that fight now (and over 5 pages complete), so I can switch perspectives - I suppose it will have to be to Takara or Hermione, though, since the scene itself isn't finished yet.
  6. Kieran's Avatar
    Up to 70% complete - and still almost done the fight scene . . .
  7. Xamusel's Avatar
    ...dude, your life sucks, if it takes that long to finish a fight scene.
  8. Vigilantia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xamusel
    ...dude, your life sucks, if it takes that long to finish a fight scene.
    *cough* Yes, yes it must.
  9. Xamusel's Avatar
    Vigilantia, you're not helping.
  10. Kieran's Avatar
    Well, hopefully you'll find it worth it . . .?
  11. Kieran's Avatar
    Up to 90%, so we're on track for an update tomorrow.