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IRUn's House of Whatever

Trauma Center (Un)Official DLC: ItsaRandomPatientUnderThe Knife

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So tomorrow I'll be getting surgery I've been preparing a year for done on my lower jaw done in the early morning, which is for sure going to take up the whole day and might possibly lead to me staying overnight in the clinic. Which means I won't be able to lurk at all on Beast's Lair during that time, let alone post anything.

inb4 "How is this different from what you usually do, you wallflower say-nothing of a mod, you?" :V

After that, barring horribly unforeseen complications I should be back very, very soon. I don't imagine that the recovery process will impede browsing this site in any shape or way, so no worries there. I will have to subsist on a liquid diet for the next 6-12 weeks throughout the healing period, so maybe I'll update you guys by regaling you all with stories of 'that which shouldn't ever be blended together and drunk, all because mankind's morbid monkey curiosity led me down dark and savage unblazed culinary trails in an attempt to alleviate me of my boredom with milkshakes, smoothies, and baby food.'

At the very least this ought to give me some time to catch up on my reading list and flesh out my '14 FF contest entry. Until next time, then.


  1. Spinach's Avatar
    How is this different from what you usually do, you wallflower say-nothing of a mod, you?
  2. ItsaRandomUsername's Avatar
    My face isn't usually getting sliced open and implanted with metal, for one.
  3. Spinach's Avatar
    Are you becoming a cyborg?
  4. ItsaRandomUsername's Avatar
    By the most literal and technical definition of the term, yes, I am becoming a Level 1 Six Million Dollar Man.
  5. CompositeGNFNR's Avatar
    Make sure to lMorse code in case anestdoesn't work
  6. Kat's Avatar
    Hail our cyborg overlord.
  7. bahamut zero's Avatar
    Remind the person holding the scalpel to start waggling as soon as a vein bursts
  8. I3uster's Avatar
    but will it blend
  9. Lycodrake's Avatar
    Will you be better, faster, stronger, IRUn?
    On a more serious note, here's hoping that there are no complications and that everything goes as smoothly as possible!