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So I've been playing Spent, a flash game which challenges players to survive on just $1000 a month (with costs equivalent to Durham, NC). Its an interesting look on the challenges facing the impoverished...


  1. ratstsrub's Avatar
    Food and housing costs are the major eater of money for low income people.

    I already know that $1000 won't be enough, unless I have a friend who'd be willing to put up with me for free.
  2. KENTA's Avatar
    It's really not as hard as it seems, you just need to know when to say no and when to ignore things you would otherwise get checked out. Living poor really does suck, but it's not that hard.
  3. ratstsrub's Avatar
    I mean, I can break even living on $1000, but it'd be a really shitty situation and I'd be eating poorly, and I'd just barely break even, without health insurance, with no safety net at all. It would be, literally, paycheck to paycheck, and hoping that nothing will delay that paycheck even just a few days.

    It's not 'just' a matter of knowing when to say no, like man you're just a louse with money and can't control yourself, it's a matter of what you're going to have to sacrifice to not go broke.

    That living, would be substandard, and frankly unsustainable in a long run, because eventually something will happen that will require a few extra hundred bucks, that you just don't have, and then you're falling hard.

    Unless, of course, you're living in a country where $1000 a month would qualify you as well off. Then you're completely fine.
  4. Kat's Avatar
    1000 $ dollars a month per a person? Please, that borgeois.
  5. ratstsrub's Avatar
    Unless, of course, you're living in a country where $1000 a month would qualify you as well off. Then you're completely fine.
    So called it.
  6. Kat's Avatar
    I get 950 PLN (which is 3-4 dollars per PLN) per month and I am not living at edge of poverty, you know. I wish I had 1000 $ dollars per month.