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The madman's asylum

Some stupid achievement

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So I was watching AccountingNightmare's DMC4's Let's Play on YT yesterday and was struck by her style. Really, she's a very cool player, and I wish her to get better with her health problems.

Now then, to the point. She's playing on DMD, building her character from the scratch. She did need to cheat this time around to unlock DMD but, obviously, gameplay was free from cheating otherwise. ...She fucking fought Dante with one combo, no Charged Shots, no DT, no Snatch, no Exceed system. And won. (After a few dozen tries, but whatever.)

You know what? I did the same a few moments ago. But I don't have any trainers, and I'm too lazy to search for them, so I simply sold off all of my skills but needed to do it with all my health. (She did not have any Blue Orb upgrades, obviously.) It's not the cleverest thing to do, but I don't care. I feel exhausted. Maybe I'll grab FRAPS somewhere and record the fight next time I think about re-doing it. But not in next few days.

So, watch her Let's Play and lament on the lack of videos there.
Tags: DMC4, Idiocy
