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It's Mother's Day

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Call your damn mothers. If they're dead hold a seance.



  1. Strife ❤️'s Avatar
    You can't ruse me Kelnish.

  2. ItsaRandomUsername's Avatar
    Handpicked flowers, handwritten card.

    I'm on top of this good son shit.
  3. Kotonoha's Avatar
    I sent her a text with some flower emojis, that's good right?
  4. Kelnish's Avatar
    You brits are doing it wrong. Get on austria's level and be cool like 'murrica.

    Koto that isn't enough. You get on my mom and I'll take care of yours. That's what best dudebrochicks are for.

    Good Job iRUN! Now get your buddy to give her a good mother's night.
  5. Kat's Avatar
    Mother's Day is basically different in most countries.
  6. Spinach's Avatar
    Kelnish will you spend some time with my mom tonight?
  7. Daiki's Avatar
    What if I never knew my mom? What if I have two dads?
  8. Spinach's Avatar
    Then you don't need any guyfriends for mothers day, but you sure as hell better have some for fathers day!
  9. bahamut zero's Avatar
    Kelnish = Paul Finch