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Ogre-like Translations: Jack the Ripper ・ Loli Phantasms

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『時間帯が夜である』『相手が女性(または雌)である』『霧が出ている』すべての条件が整っているときに宝 具を使用すると、対象の身体の中身を問答無用で外に弾きだし、解体された死体にする。
条件が整っていない場合は単純なダメージを与えるのみだが、その際も条件が一つ整うごとび威力が跳ね上がる 。この宝具はナイフによる攻撃ではなく一種の呪いであるため、遠距離でも使用可能。
Maria the Ripper
Holy Mother of Dismembering

Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1-10
Maximum Amount of Targets: 1 person
Jack the Ripper's murder reproducing Noble Phantasm.
When the conditions, "it is night-time," "opponent is a woman (female)," "misty," are met and the Noble Phantasm is used the contents of the body are expelled and they turn into a dismembered corpse.
In the case that not all conditions are met only simple damage is dealt, however, as each condition is met the power rises. This Noble Phantasm is not a knife attack but a kind of curse which makes long range use available.
To defend against this Noble Phantasm, rather than physical defense resistance against curses is necessary.

So now that the ranks are given to use the CMIV stuff makes sense.
0 conditions = STR damage
1 condition = D rank
2 conditions = C rank
3 conditions = B rank.

Funny that they omitted that the knives are D rank NPs. Maybe they aren't NPs anymore and it's just the curse?


霧の結界を張る結界宝具。魔力で発生させた硫酸の霧そのものが宝具である。サーヴァントならばダメージを受 けないが、敏捷が1ランクダウンする。霧の中にいる誰に効果を与え、誰に効果を与えないのかは使用者が選択 可能。霧によって方向感覚が失われるため、脱出するにはランクB以上のスキル”直感、”もしくは何らかの魔 術行使が必要になる。
The Mist
Blackened Misty Metropolis

Rank: C
Type: Bounded Field
Range: 1-10
Maximum Number of Targets: 50 people
Mist Bounded Field producing Bounded Field Noble Phantasm. The Noble Phantasm is the sulfuric mist created from magical energy. Servants do not take damage. Agility is one Rank-Down. The user is able to decide who suffers the effects. Because the mist causes one to lose their sense of direction, to escape, B rank or higher "Instinct," or the use of magecraft is required.

So weird stuff with this. No longer does it say it kills people. Also it doesn't say it does continuous damage to magi. No idea what happened to that stuff from CMIV. So I guess just based on this alone it is nerfed.


  1. aldeayeah's Avatar
    that satanic hellspawn could certainly use some nerfing
  2. Vagrant's Avatar
    It states that Servants don't take damage, leaving it implicit that everyone else does. I'd suggest it kills people and deals continual damage to magi just as it used to, especially given what we've seen of it in the actual story.