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Ogre-like Translations: Shirou ・ All In One Sitting

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Was going to do this a lot later, but the info is already out there so may as well do it now.

Class Skills

Magic Resistance: A
Possess Saber Class Magic Resistance. Cannot cope with church sacraments.

ルーラーとして召喚されると、直接遭遇した全てのサーヴァントの真名及びステータス情報が自動的に明かされ る。
True Name Identification: B
Same as Jeanne's.

God's Decision: -
Because he is not a participant in this Holy Grail War this skill has been lost.

Personal Skills

直感は戦闘における第六感だが、"啓示"は目標の達成に関する事象全て(例えば旅の途中で最適の道を選ぶ) に適応する。
Revelation: A
Exactly the same as Jeanne's.

軍団を指揮する天性の才能。国家を運営することはできないが、志を共にする仲間たちとは死を厭わない強固な 繋がりを持つ。
Charisma: C-
Natural ability to command an army. Cannot manage a country, however he has such a relationship with them that those who share his vision will willingly die. Also with this skill his company can be convinced to believe the contents of his revelations.

Baptism Sacrament: B+
Church style form alteration magecraft. Has a great effect on the spiritual body.
By synergizing with his two Noble Phantasms, it is possible to sublimate Servants.



苦難の道を歩む信徒たちに希望を抱かせるため、奇跡を起にし続けた彼自身の両腕が宝具と化してたもの。あら ゆる魔術基盤に接続し、如何なる魔術も行使可能にする

同時に右腕はスキル「心眼(真)」、左腕は「心眼(偽)」に類似した能力を発動させ、洗礼詠唱 を強化する。
Right Hand Evil Eater
Right Hand Atrocity Predation

Left Hand Xanadu Matrix
Left Hand Foundation of Heaven's Blessing

Rank: D
Type: Anti Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 1
Maximum Number of Targets: 1
For the sake of inspiring the followers who walked the road of hardship, his arms that continually actualized miracles became Noble Phantasms. He is connected to every single Magical Foundation and can use any magecraft. A
Skeleton Key
Almighty Key
When the Right Arm, Eye of the Mind (True) and Left Arm, Eye of the Mind (False) like skills are activated his Baptism Sacrament is strengthened.

So this makes me wonder if Lorelei's Almighty is approximately the same thing.

Either way Shirou strong for a D NP.

Questions, comments, corrections always welcome.


  1. Milbunk's Avatar
    What could the term any magecraft be expanded to?

    Also is it limited to D rank and below only or can he use A rank Magic as well?
  2. You's Avatar
    Any as in, any magecraft as long as the magical foundation for it exists.
    For A rank magecrafts like grand rituals he might need to learn the words.
  3. Sunny's Avatar
    Hrm, so that's what they did. I'm kinda surprised they were so sparse on the descriptions for them when we finally got them, but double Eye of the Mind + eternal youth is pretty nice.

    I wonder if he kept the Command Spells from third war and just had no Servants they corresponded to. You'd think he could use them like Kotomine.
  4. DreamsRequiem's Avatar he's like, a guy who has the ability to learn all the spells down pat? Like if he sees the spell he can immediately do it?
  5. You's Avatar
    No idea. I guess that stuff is in the novels themselves.
  6. DreamsRequiem's Avatar
    Well, I'll wait for it to get animated. So, 2018-ish, or 2020-ish. know it's gonna happen. This thing is gonna get animated, because FATE MUST BE MILKED.