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Singularity / Lostbelt Database

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The following is a list of files on Singularities and Lostbelt handled by the Chaldea Security Organization. These files are accessible to authorized personnel only.

1. 315 BC - War of the Two Conqueror Kings: Macedonia - "The True Meaning of Conquest" (Coming soon...)
2. [???] BC - Kingdom of the Heretical Pharaoh: Egypt - "Black Hole Sun" (Coming soon...)
3. 500 AD - Realm of the [???]: Camelot - "Puppet of the Evil Fae" (Coming soon...)
4. 1942 AD - Renewed Winter of Wolves: Paris - "Wolf-King of Paris" (Coming soon...)
5. 210 BC - [???]: China - "The Qin Emperor Lives" (Coming soon...)
6. 750 BC - Magnificent Tree Blooming Among Seven Hills: Rome - "Where All Roads Lead" (Coming soon...)
7. 1336 AD - [???] Rebellion: Souma - "Onmyoji Heiress of Masakado" (Coming soon...)

Epic of Remnant
1. 1682 AD - Poisoned Lightless City: Re:Paris - "La Voisin" (Coming soon...)
2. [???] - False Motherland of Mankind: Mu - "[???]" (Coming soon...)

1. 1470? AD - Realm of Countless Bloody Nights: TATARI - "The Night of Wallachia" (V2.0)
2. 1520? AD - Starless Twilight of the Fifth Sun: Tamoanchan - "The Obsidian Butterfly Empress"
3. 1940? AD - Thousand Year Aryan Empire: Third Reich - "The Spear of Destiny" (Coming soon...)
4. 300? BC - Dying Land of the Setting Sun: Yomi - "Queen of the Underworld"
5. 2480? BC - False Eden of Decadence: Canaan - "The Final Prophet" (Coming soon...)
6. 1260? BC - The [???] That [???]: Troy - "The [???] of Eternal [???]" (Coming soon...)
7. 14,000? BC - Deathly Barren Wasteland: [???] - "The [???] of the Withered Garden" (Coming soon...)

Special Event
1. Special Event: 2000 AD - [???]: Misaki Town - "Princess of the True Ancestors" (What if there was a Tsukihime event?) (Coming soon...)
2. Special Event: [???] - [???]: Chaldea Summer 2021 - "The Great [???] Maelstrom" (Summer Singularity; coming in August...)
3. Special Event: [???] - [???] Phantom Manor: [???] - "[???]" (Halloween Singularity; coming in October...)
4. Special Event: 1843 AD - [???] Night in the Snowy Metropolis: London Christmas - "A Christmas Carol for the [???]" (Christmas Singularity; coming in December...)
5. Special Event: GUDAGUDA [???] (GUDAGUDA Singularity; coming soon...)

Updated July 18th, 2021 at 06:37 PM by Lambda-Nu

