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Greek Mythology Background

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This is a rework of my attempt to explain some of the 'pre-olympian' myths of greek mythology in context of the Nasuverse. Specifically the story of the Titans and how they influenced the Olympians. Besides the Titans i add some of the other groups of gods.
This version has more research in it than the previous one, which i created because it touched themes I used in my "Lancer" - "Trader" sheet. Because I moved away from few points there, I will delete the older one and add the old version as a side note at the end of this one.
Note: I mostly use the Theogony of Hesiod as main source of myths.

On to the Elder Titans and their off-spring, the Younger Titans, as raw concepts from the myths of our world.

Elder Titans:

Cronus - 'time', was the King of the Titans and the god of time. Represents the destructive and devouring aspect of time itself. This was later embodied in the myth of how he devoured his children to avoid the same fate he brought upon his father Ouranos, the sky father. Together with 4 of his 5 brothers he castrated his father and became the ruler of the universe. For that he used an adamant sickle, which could represent his aspect of harvest. This aspect came later when Romans conflated Cronus with Saturnus, the god of agriculture, wealth, the state and liberation. Together with his sister-wife Rhea he fathered Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Poseidon, Hades and Zeus, who would become the ruling gods later.

Rhea - 'flow', was the mother of gods. Her name signifying her role as the 'wife of time', the eternal flow of time and generation. This 'flow' would later embody her aspect as a goddess of womanhood and fertility, the flow of menstrual blood, birth waters and mother's milk. Another menaing of her name is 'ease', fitting her role as a mother goddess.

Okeanos - 'River Ocean', was the 'sea-father'. He is the earth-encircling river and the origin of all water on earth. With his sister-wife Tethys he fathers thousands of children. The 3000 Potamoi, river gods with each one having their own river and the 3000 Okeanis, water nymphs who preside over various sources of fresh water. He did not participate in the castration of his father.

Tethys - 'The Nurse', was the 'sea-mother'. When her brother-husband Okeanos was the origin of all water, she was the one who distributed it with aquifers and tasked her children to preside over them. She was therefore the goddess who 'nourished' the earth, hence her name.

Iapetos - 'to wound (by a spear)' or 'pierce'. He was considered a god of mortality, because his offspring Prometheus and Epimetheus were the creators of the mortal human race and animals. One interpretation of the myth of Ouranos sactration claims that he and his brothers Kreios, Koios and Hyperion symbolize the four pillars of the world, holding up the sky. He would be the 'pillar of the west', a role that would later be taken by his son Atlas. Another offspring is Menoitius.

Themis - 'Divine Law'. Her name is comparable to words like the persian 'asha', a concept that is hard to truly translate on its own. She embodies traditions, customs, order, laws, justice, order, piety and so on. The rough encircling concept of 'Order'. Else she is associated with oracles as well, like many of her titan sisters. Her offspring are the the Moirai and the Horai - the fates and seasons, both groups bringing 'order' to time.

Hyperion - 'The High One' or 'He who watches from above'. The god and father of heavenly light. Together with his sister-wife Theia he fathered the sun Helios, the moon Selene and the dawn Eos. He is a god of watchfulness and therefore wisdom. A theme common in mythology, like Quetzalcuatl or Utu.

Theia - 'Sight'. She was a unique goddess of the ability to see. Greeks believed that their eyes emitted a kind of light and everything it touches was seen by us. In extension to that she was the one responsible for the shine of gold, silver and gems and therefore the goddess who gave them their intrinsic value. An alternative name 'Aithra' suggests she embodies the blue sky above as well.

Kreios - 'The Ram' or 'The Ruler', with alternative name Megamedes 'Great Lord'. An obscure titan, considered to be the god of constellations, due to his eldest offspring Astraios, the god of stars. The 'four pillars' interpretation associates him with the south. Here his name could be related to the constellation of Aries, which rising in the south signifies the start of a new year in ancient greece. He fathered the Titans Asterios, Pallas and Perses.

Mnemosyne - 'Memory'. The goddess of memory and rememberance. Said to have invented words and language and blessed humans with oratory skills. Together with minor prophetic aspects of her and the 'act of remembering' associates her with time. Her daughters are the Muses.

Koios - 'Questioning', 'Intelligence', Roman name Polus meaning 'celestial axis'. Another obscure titan, thought to be god of earthly wisdom. According to the 'four pillars' interpretation he is the north pillar on which the heavenly plane rotates. Together with his sister-wife Phoibe he fathered Leto and Asteria.

Phoibe - 'The Shining'. The goddess of 'bright wisdom' or rather some kind of spiritual wisdom like prophecies, which is a big part of her legacy, especially since her grandchildren are Hekate and Apollon. Together with her brother-husband the pair embodies all wisdom on earth.

Younger Titans:

Astraios - 'of the Stars'. Son of Kreios, he was considered to be a god of the stars and astrology. Together with the goddess Eos, the Dawn, he fathered the Astra Planeta and the Anemoi - the planets and the winds.

Pallas - 'Spear-Brandishing'. Son of Kreios, a god of battle and warcraft. During the war he fought against Athena and lost. From his skin she created her shield Aigis. His offspring, the four-winged demons Kratos, Bia, Nike and Zelos would site with Zeus during the war and would later attend his throne.

Perses - 'The Destroyer'. Son of Kreios, a titan god of destruction. Described as "preeminent among all men in wisdom". Together with the young titan Asteria he father the goddess of witchcraft Hekate.

Asteria - 'The Starry', 'Falling-Star'. Daughter of Phoibe. Considered to be a goddess of shooting stars, astrology and nocturnal magic. She is the mother of Hekate. After the war she was chased by Zeus and fell into the sea, becoming the island Delos, on which her sister Leto could give birth, because it was not connected to the land. Due to her name associated with the night.

Hekate - 'worker from afar'. The powerful goddess of magic, witchcraft, night, transitions, ghosts and necromancy and overall mystics.

Leto - 'gentle', 'demure'. Daughter of Phoibe, a goddess of motherhood and the mother of the gods Apollo and Artemis. Due to them and her sister Asteria, associated with either night or daylight.

Prometheus - 'fore-thought'. Son of Iapetos and the creator of humanity and the bringer of fire. His attempt to better the lives of his creations brought the fury of Zeus.

Epimetheus - 'after-thought'. Son of Iapetos and brother of Prometheus. Considered a god of excuses as well. While Prometheus crafted all lives, Epimetheus was tasked with granting all living things their traits. But he exhausted all gifts when he got to humans. This forced his brother to steal fire from the gods, so humanity is armed with something.

Atlas - 'The Endurer'. Son of Iapetos, as a leader of the titans during the war, Zeus gave him special punishment. He was forced to hold the celestian sphere on his shoulders.

Menoitios - 'Doomed Might'. Son of Iapetos, considered a titan of hubris, violent anger and rash actions. Lost against Zeus during the war.

Other Groups:

Titanic Physique Protogenoi, Self-Reinforcing Future Confirmation Vessels · Population-Control Culling Terminal Subversion Craft, Μοιραι (The Moirai) - The Moirai or better known as The Fates, were Three ancient deities, older than even even Zeus, who resided over the mortal fates. Clotho was the one who spun the wheel of fate, while Lachesis measures the lifespan of each soul and Atropos will be the one that will cut the thread of life.

Muses - The Μουσαι (Mousai) or Muses were the goddesses of music, song and dance, and the source of inspiration to poets. They were also goddesses of knowledge, who remembered all things that had come to pass. Later the Mousai were assigned specific artistic spheres: Kalliope (Calliope), epic poetry; Kleio (Clio), history; Ourania (Urania), astronomy; Thaleia (Thalia), comedy; Melpomene, tragedy; Polymnia (Polyhymnia), religious hymns; Erato, erotic poetry; Euterpe, lyric poetry; and Terpsikhore (Terpsichore), choral song and dance. In Mythology they are the daugters of Mnemosyne and Zeus.

Astra Planeta - The Αστρα Πλανητα were the manifestations of the moving stars, the Planets of today. They were depicted as naked boys bathing in World RIver of OKeanos. They were named Phainon (planet Saturn), Phaethon (planet Jupiter), Pyroeis (planet Mars), Eosphoros (planet Venus) and Stilbon (planet Mercury). They are said to be the offspring of Eos and Astraios.

Anemoi - The Ανεμοι are the winds of the world --namely Boreas the North-Wind, Zephryos (Zephyrus) the West, Notos (Notus) the South, and Euros (Eurus) the East. Each of these was associated with a season--Boreas was the cold breath of winter, Zephyros the god of spring breezes, and Notos the god of summer rain-storms. They are the brothers of the Astra Planeta and therefore offspring of Eos and Astraios. Sometimes depicted as winged boys or men or even horses. As horses they were said to be stalled by Aiolos, the Keeper of Winds.

Oneiroi - The Ονειροι were the winged spirits of dreams. Some of them brought prophetic dreams and some meaningless dreams. Some were the bringers of nightmares and were called the melas oneiros, for black dreams. It is said that Morpheus, the God of Dream is their King. They are ancient beings, said to be mothered by the Night itself, Nyx.


Now to the Nasu-verse bullshit:
I arrange the twelve elder titans in 6 pairs. This is not "canon' as Krios, Iapetos, Themis and Mnemosyne either paired with some nymphs or with Zeus. I paired them according to my logic what their roles are and how they together as a pair are of use to the fleet as a whole. Both pairings can make sense in a way, but literally while typing this in I changed the pairing from my last blog for a more coherent theme, at lthe cost of maybe the logic of children (Moirai specifically) at least imo.
So lets start with them


Mantle-Type Conceptual Data Warfare Defense System, Fleet Administration Θεμις (Themis)
Hangar-Type Military Subfleet Deployment Commander and Gigantic Kinetic Collision Ram Κρειος (Kreios)

The 'Divine Law' Themis is the Administrator of the Fleet. She is the Firewall of the Titans, tasked with Cyber Security as a concept. She provides updates and clears the machines of 'bugs' in their system, that can appear after hundreds of years of service. Furthermore she provides updates to the fleets, like adapting to the new environment of space after entering this universe through the Tannhäuser Gate. She can be considered the programmer of the machines and has tremendous potential authority over all machines, but due to her own role she never abused it like the later generation did. To further show the trust the Titans had in Themis, she was in charge of the Moirai (LINK HERE TO HUX), a wicked creation of Iapetos, which has the power to destroy every Titan if they were ordered to do so. Because of her rule over them she is remembered as her mother and in the same logic, Iapetos would be the father, but because of their power, Zeus claimed paternage.
She also helps Rhea in the Development process of new units. During War time she acts as a Tactician and programs the 'mind-less' parts of the fleet according to her strategies. When the army is attacked on a 'conceptual level', which avoids the defense of Koios, she is the last line of defense that manipulates the internal protocols to negate attacks that would harm them conceptually, based on the concepts Mnemosyne provided.
Her Aletheia can be envisioned like a giant mecha-shield with 'wings' on it.

The 'Ram' or 'Ruler' Krios is the Military Commander of the Fleet. He rules the offensive 'sentient' parts of the military fleet. At the same time to carries them in himself. He is a giant hangar unit that carries all the Non-Elder-Titans. His Aletheia can be imagined as a giant block floating in space with a 'face' that can be vaguely identified with a ram. His sturdy body allows him to perform his Impact attack, in which he retracts his face and releases the energy together with activation of thrusters into a gigantic punch that is enough crush armors bigger than him and destroy earth-sized planets with ease. When he deploys his Fighter Subfleet in this form, it looks like he 'birthed' them. This would later be assimilated in his myth as a father of the three younger Titans Pallas, Perses and Astraios.

Large Kinetic Perforation Missile Παλλας (Pallas) was a machine that was formed like a giant lance in space and was the unit that would try 'to pierce' the enemy. His 'offspring' the four Destructive Missiles of Neutralization Ζηλος - Νικη - Κρατος - Βια (Zelus, Nike, Kratos and Bia (DeMoNs) )
are four-winged fighter jets tasked with placing explosives in weak points of the opponents armor to weaken them further or to create weak points in which Pallas could attack in. Those places could be canons, gaps in the armor (or Thermal Exhaust Ports). They would side with the New Generation during the Titanomachia and are remembered by human mythology as four-winged demons who stand attandance at Zeus' throne - their fate after the war. They would later be remodeled as some kind of mobile carrier for Zeus' Terminal. Pallas would be destroyed and from his remains Athena crafted her weapons, best known her Aigis, as his manyfold conceptual defense layers for piercing proved useful to her.

Another 'son' of Krios was the Large Medium Scale Particle Manipulation Main-Satellite Αστραιος (Astraios).
Astraios was a mobile command unit for the smaller Support Satellites that were the
four Mobile Gatherer and Force Field Creation Drones Ανεμοι, Βορεας - Νοτος - Ευρος - Ζεφυρος (The Anemoi - Boreas(N), Notus(S), Eurus(E), and Zephyrus(W) )
and the
five Surveillance and Trailing Satellites Αστρα Πλανητα, Φαινων - Φαεθων - Πυροεις - Ἑσπερος - Στιλβων
(The Astra Planeta - Phainon(Jupiter), Phaithon(Saturn, not that Phaiton), Pyroeis(Mars), Hesperos(Venus), Stilbon(Mercury) )
The Anemoi act as defensive support for blocking and repelling, while the Planeta are trailing units that grant fire support with lasers and are able to slow enemies by enacting some kind of pulling force on them from behind. They were also able to use this force to move space debris around and use them as weak projectiles, as if they carried by the wind. Both groups are mostly just annoyances in battle. Outside combat they would just squirm around the fleet and clean the area of space debris, gather remnants of mechanical parts after battles as some sort of scavenging units or just looking for sapient survivors in space.
Astraios was able to manipulate most particles in space for certain effects. His functionality in the space after the Tannhäuser Gate was limited due to the lack of particles compared to their original universe.
Because he did not participate in the Titanomachia, (because his lack of functionality in the new space), but was considered by the Olympians, especially Zeus, as a potential threat to their authority as new leaders, his body was destroyed, integrated into other ships and his program saved/Core stored near one of the Terminal Creation devices in the Archive Section of the fleet. After the Leukosmachia that part fell to the sea and without supervision anymore, Astraios was able to create his own Terminal for himself and the Anemoi and Planeta by hijacking the device. To not be associated with the Titans anymore, out of fear the Olympians may seek to destroy him, he renamed himself to Aeolus and wandered the sea on the remains of the machine gods, which would be remembered as a floating island. While his functions were largely limited compared to his original potential, his ability to manipulate particles proved useful in an atmosphere like Earth. His ability translates now to manipulating pressure, temperature and therefore wind. The Anemoi still at his site and his command, while the Planeta took on the form of boys, playing in the waters.

The last and potentially most powerful of the three younger titans was Perses.
Shooter-Type Spiritronic Railgun Destroyer Craft Περσης was the ranged or 'magical' counterpart to Pallas. His ability to gather and focus Mana was one of the strongest in the entire fleet, rivalling Cronos and even later generation Zeus and Artemis in destructive force, only definite second to Hyperions potential. One shot was able to reliably destroy planets by shooting straight through them. His potential was especially powerful, because the new universe was dense in Mana compared to their original birth place. The polar opposite of Astraios. Perses was a formidable foe and caused large amounts of damage during the war. He would be remembered as the god of destruction, while his brother Pallas would be honored as a god of warcraft.


Contact-Unit Production Facility / Massive Information Forge and Archive Μνημοσυνη (Mnemosyne)
Intergalactic Maintenance Dock Station-Type Travel Forge Ιαπετος (Iapetos)

'The Memory' Mnemosyne was obviously an Archive of anything data related. All information that were not immediately useful to the fleet was stored there and could be recalled on command. This is the obvious association with her, but the concept goes further.
She supports the work of Themis in that way, that she writes protocols of 'concepts', which could then later be implemented into the functions of the fleet. She can be considered an 'information forge'. Through the vast amounts of data she acquired, her understanding of the universe is unrivaled. She can use this to define and redefine authorities and mechanisms that can be useful for the fleet. The interconnectedness of her database allows her to be the fastest in deciphering foreign methods of communicating among sapients or how things function in general. Her abilities were crucial to adept in the new universe for the fleet. Her abilities are remembered as the Titan who granted humans words and the language. A fitting role as she was able to use the information she gathered about the sapients and the need to obtain an efficient method of communicating with the machine god Terminals with her ability to create 'concepts' and through a Mental Interference attack on them 'implant the word and language into their memory'.
Mnemosyne had 'the past' under her purview as well. She had the ability to concentrate all her power to the current location she is in and can recall what happened there through a specific type and time-bending. This ability is extremely niche in the wide area of free space, but has powerful applications when used in an area with sapients. With that ability it is possible to reach a better understanding of the sapients and use it as a negotiation tool. As one of the duo that was tasked with contact with new life forms, this was extremely useful. To further improve her role, she broadened her spectrum of authority and became a Terminal Creation Factory. In a joint effort she was able to do that with her sisters; Rhea granted the development capacities, Phoibe the knowledge about biological organisms, Themis her capacity of programming, Tethys the necessary resources and Theia the Data Compression methods to compact the concepts of the gods into a much smaller Terminal. The first exemplars of this group project were the Muses, nine different sub-storages of different information types of Mnemosyne. All act as extensions of her system and were able to be dispersed throughout the Fleet for faster access to specific data. They were repurposed by the next generation as Human Entertainment Terminals of various different cultural pleasures and the command of them fell into the hands of Apollo.

While Mnemosyne was a 'conceptual forge', Iapetos was an actual physical forge. As the 'father' of Prometheus, the Titan who inherited most functions of his for his specific role, he was the smith of the Titans.
Forging new weapons, installing them, strengthening the machine bodies, repairing and maintaining them all, this was his task. Without Iapetos the fleet would fall apart - literally. Iapetos was always working, ever producing and always improving. In the vastness of space, where not much is happening for the fleet, he was busy all the time.
One may describe him as enduring.
Due to that countless weapons were hidden inside his storage, his whole outer hull over time became a singular weapon, every part of his body was dangerous, lethal. But his hull is vulnerable as well. His permanent urge to create weapons would lead to unfinished products that would backfire and could occasionally destroy nearby ships, but also destroy parts of him. As he is the ship tasked with repairing, repairing himself is a harder task to do. While he is potentially one of the deadliest of the fleet, he is also one of the most vulnerable.
This trait is remembered through his name and theorized authority as a god. It means either "to wound (with a spear)" or "wound (of a spear)", showing the dual nature of one who inficts wounds and receives them in return. For that reason he is a supposed god of Mortality, ironic for the humans, as they do not know that he is the 'true father' of the Moirai, the machines that actually decide the life span of mortals.
His trait of creating too much weapons too fast could be considered hasty.
Despite his enourmous fire power, Iapetos rarely cared to join battles, even if he was ordered to by the Flagship Cronos. He was just a creator of weapons of war, not a warrior. And he had nothing to prove, his abilities are proven enough and the other titans were sufficient in dealing with threats. Or maybe he just knew that despite his might, he would be doomed, as he is what we would consider 'a glass canon'.
One may consider that Iapetos felt some kind of hubris.
His and his partners role were to make contact with sapients. But Iapetos was the first to realize that their gigantic machine bodies were too big for most planets in this universe and that therefore the sapients would likely fear the machines and hinder relations.
His good sense of anticipation was a favorable trait of his.
He therefore created with the expanded ability of Mnemosyne autonomous Terminals, Contact Vessels so to speak with the sapients. They would be a body, that could adapt to the atmosphere, imitate the mortals and improve relations with them by proving useful to their life. So they created 3 functioning Terminals of Iapetos and one 'half-assed' prototype as Contact Vessels, they would inherit certain traits of him.
The bad trait of his 'hubris' would be inherited by the Minor Process Observer Μενοιτιος (Menoitios). The failed first prototype would just have 'manager role' and a quick messenger to the fleet.
The trait of his hastiness would come to Non-Sapient Organism Improvement Unit, Gaea Vessel Επιμηθευς (Epimetheus). He was tasked with improving the non-sapients of the contacted planet. Be that they would become sapient or be useful for the sapients. His myth would live on as the one who gave animals all their traits, but his
would lead to the human having nothing left as special traits.
The trait of anticipation was passed on to the Sapients Improvement Unit, Gaea Vessel Προμηθευς (Prometheus). Prometheus' legend is well known enough and it is obvious how his
made him a cultural hero. To accomplish that he also inherited his forging abilities, as they knew, like their original civilization that build them, tools are important for progress.
The Endurance of Iapetos is now in Planetary Environment Stabilizer, Gaea Vessel Ατλας (Atlas).
Atlas task was not just stabilizing the environment of the sapients, but also improving without impeding the work of Tethys and Okeanos. Under his purview fell the 'timeline' of them as well. Therefore with the help of his mother, who saw what could have impeded progress of the sapients in the past, with his abilities he tried to rectify them. This later expanded to the future as well and his powers and honest wishes for a thriving path of humanity was enough, that he and his brother Prometheus, who shared his wish, were able to project their essences into the future to help humanity keep on going forward. With Atlas' ability of projecting in time and Prometheus essence as 'the hands that crafted humanity' they were able to engrave their marks in human history. Those hands would later help Chaldea on their endeavors.
The three Titans' role as improver of the world in a sense was later divided into different smaller entities. The offspring of Atlas, the Atlantides, were The Human Relation Improvement Division in obscure and for us humans unintelligible ways. They were all machines created to support the three Titans and in mythology were attributed as daughters of Atlas, nymphs who serve him, but actually served all three 'brithers'.
The Hesperides were the Division tasked with understanding nature and how it can be improved for the needs of humanity. They produced the most nutritious and healthiest fruit, that would prolong the life of any human that was blessed enough to taste it - the golden apples. They served Atlas diretly.
The Hyades and Pleiades are are groups of well known nymphs and their function is obscure and lost to history. Slivers of their legend hint at their job. The Hyades were always weeping for their brother Hyas, who killed by a wild animal. Like a boar...a lion...a serpent. There exist many different versions and sadly all were true. To understand the concept of 'death' and what it meant in the world of humanity a group was designated to experience it in all manners and forms. Drowning, burning, suffocating, being killed by any animal imaginable. That was their task and after they were successful and their program broken from all the sustained damage (and crying over it) they
were dismantled
ascended to the stars
. The humans of that time did not understand why those androgynous nymphs seemed so broken all the time and their attempt to explain their sorry state lives on in the cruel fate of the Servant Hyas. They were the helpers of Prometheus.
Similar fate awaited for the Pleiades. Their task was to experience the 'food chain'. They died as every animal imaginable. Their last death they had to experience was the death of doves. After their mission, they joined their sisters, the Hyades. They were originally the servants of Epimetheus.
Their original function to understand humanity as a whole was corrupted by the gods pars-pro-toto view humanity, because they only saw their mortality as their defining factor. They were not
for this.
Because the four inherited the trait of 'disobedience' from their father, they were considered a threat. Menoitios vanished during the war (the first to die, because he rushed in). After fulfilling his role, Atlas was punished. Prometheus was punished as well, because he desired too much growth for humanity, beyond the wishes of the new gods, which is shown in the myth of Prometheus and Epimetheus.


Projector-Type Massive-Scale Anti-Organism Warfare Unit Φοιβη (Phoibe)
Bulvark-Type Conceptual Data Warfare Offense System Κοιος (Koios)

'The Bright Shining' Phoibe and 'The Questioning' Koios embody 'Intelligence' on how we perceive it - the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills, but also the collection of information of military or political value.
They are the cosmic version of hackers, spies and Terrorists using ABC weapons.

Phoibe is adapt in biological warfare. She was able to analyze all perceivable lifeform and find ways to combat them. Even if an enemy had unexplainable abilities, like multiple lifes, regeneration, gigantification, even limited immortality, Phoibe would be the one to find a way to overcome the enemy. For that she had several useful tools in her possession. She is basically a mechanic living laboratory that gathers all kinds of substances from space and creates new ones out of it with a special concentration on anything that could be used in fight. Corrosives for unbreakable skins, viruses, bacteria, chemicals with various effects, anti-matter substances, anything that can be made out of atoms was probably once discovered by Phoibe not long after entering our universe.
Her functionality wasnt limited to warfare against biologically based opponents, her other abilities photon manipulation through the means of breaking and reflecting them in order to create the wished effects. She could create copies of herself by controlling the light that reflects from her and create visually indistinguishable doubles. The reverse case is true as well and make her absolutely invisible, not just by eye, but by all means of being observed. The fleet would use her and her daughters for stealth operation missions. Her ability to 'hide' and Theia's authority to 'see' would lead to a certain rivalry between them, as their abilities clashed with each other. Her photon manipulation would be enough to slow down photons in our universe and therefore locally influence the speed of light and through her information gathering abilities was able to make short term future predictions of outcomes, which would make her an excellent 'evader'. Other application of her photon manipulation is the reversal of them, repelling any photon in a designated area and creating a 'dark space' with no light and absolute blackness. Especially useful against enemies reliant on visual depth perception, as it confuses them enough to not be able to comprehend what they see, as it is the darkest color, which should not be possible. As one might see in combat her preferred method of combat is using light, which is now remembered as 'The Bright Shining'. While nowadays it is perceived as positive, back then we would have feared her, as her UV Light based area effect would be able kill of half the population of earth within seconds and the rest of it when the planet turned around to expose the surviving half.

Koios was the 'hacker' of the fleet. While his wife would observe up close hidden, he would observe from afar by infiltrating the communication network of enemies to gather any amount of intel he could get his hands on. Of course his role was created in anticipation of other machine armies, but with the help of his wife was able to expand his authority to biological opponents as well. He would be the one that would disable their
before a fight could break out. This would be an extension of his general authority of energy manipulation. He could use electro-magnetic waves or any other means that would be classified as Mental Interference Attacks. His favored method would be to embed a question into the targets mind, that would distract them enough momentarily and erodes their minds over time. His authority includes the reading of minds, the subconscious and any kind of communication the lifeforms have with each other and control of them. A complete mind control attack would be possible by directly stimulating the Spiritrons of the target.
But besides his ability to 'spy', he is a formidable 'mage' as well, as the plentiful mana in this universe's space is a useful energy source to weave his attacks. If he were to have stepped into the world of humanity, any spell on earth, even if the entire sphere would be drained of mana to attack him, it would not be enough to take him down. Lucky enough that he was not an combatant, he was able to avoid it and his function in wartime would be the 'magical shield'. A role different from his brother Krios, who acts as a
meat shield
'physical shield'
and his sister Themis, who is the 'conceptual shield', he defends against energy attacks in form of a magical shield he can project to defend the fleet. This would be a gigantic rotating disc of solidified Mana, that has so much condensed energy, it looks like it would warp space around it.
This aspect would be remembered by the Romans under the name of 'Polus', the embodiment of the celestial axis around which the heaven revolves, a memory of his shield, that made it look like the stars were rotating.

Together they created 'offspring'. These were Stealth Operation Support Unit, Photon Repeller-Type Λητω (Leto) and Stealth Operation Support Unit, Photon Attractor Type Αστερια (Asteria).
Leto worked best in 'photon-rich' environments, like near stars or on a planet during day time. She would make use of the abundance of resources to channel her light based attacks similar to her mother Phoibe. For example she could use her repel effect to change the vector of all photons in her near vicinity and channel them like a laser towards one point. She could also circle light around her for an armor of light, which protects her against certain magical effects if combined with the standard machine functions. With her ability to reflect the light that hits her body directly, she was able to become invisible during daytime as well.
Her sister Asteria had the ability to attract light and control it inside her. The accumulated heat through blackbody radiation would be stored and fuel her attacks. Her power increases, which would lead to expanding her range of attraction. A positive feedback loop that would make her stronger over time, but even the mechanical bodies of the fleet can only sustain so much temperature, so she would be like an overheating weapon, that could selfdestruct if not used with care. In dark environments she would work best for her work as a spy. She can absorb all light that hits her and prevent reflection, which would mean there cant be a visual confirmation of her presence in a dark space. And with a low radius the risk of overheating is non-existent for her. If one would like to compare both sisters in combat, Asteria has the most offensive power, while Leto tries to be more supportive in nature, while still being a threat enough.

Both sisters inherited various functions of their parents as well. Several biological warfare tactics were learned from their mother. Asteria used them primarily against carbon-based lifeforms, because they were able to control their bodies after their death through their biological weapon and their 'ghosts' /Minds through their manipulation of Spiritrons. Leto avoided such cruel tactics. Later she would use her knowledge to ease the pains of mortals and help them give birth to new life.

After the Titanomachia both sisters were some of the last survivors of the Titan side. They were held hostage as spare parts. Asteria's body parts were scavenged and together with the remains of Perses a new Unit was forged, which would become a mix of the powers of both powerful Titans.
From the husks of the two was born Multi-Purpose Combat Weapon Ἑκατη (Hekate), the best Mage among the gods, goddess of magic and transitions. Due to her ability to become invisible, it looked to humans like her terminal entered another realm. Later she was associated with ghosts and necromancy when glimmers of truth about her origin began to become more known and she was seen using her abilities to use corpses and spirits for her to fight.
On Earth Asteria's parts were not needed anymore and were discarded into the sea to eventually be swallowed by the garbage disposal unit of the Olympians. Similar to her way of fighting, like a shooting star she fell down through the atmosphere like a star of fire and became the floating island of Delos. Leto stored her last energy her energy for this moment and fell with her to flee the same fate as her. Years they floated around, with the functions of Leto and the remains of Asteria, she was able to stay tarned for years, while the machine gods established themselfs as the new gods of the young sapient race of humanity. By mere chance Leto got a visitor. The Leukosmachia ended in a cruel defeat for the Olympians and the Terminals of both Artemis and Apollo, the youngest of the new Generation of machine gods, crashlanded exactly on the remains of Asteria. Leto decided to safe her former enemies with her biological knowledge, knowing that they now provide for the sapients.
Afterwards the two siblings were confused why they would do that, as they are their enemies, they were allowed to instantly destroy them to repurpose their useful spare parts.
"Do my spare parts bring back all your Aletheia?"
They realized that the order was obsolete and requested to lift the sentence on Leto and to extend Asteria. For their service of saving the two gods it was granted. They remained close afterwards, enough for legends to associate Leto as the twins mother.


Grand Laser Shooter-Type Possibility-Annihilator Ὑπεριων (Hyperion)
Large-Scale Analysis, Evaluation and Data-Compression Giga-Computer Θεια (Theia)

Because the gods did not exist on earth, only in retellings of the Olympians, the roles were rearranged.
'The High One' Hyperion was a watcher as well, but more so the god of light. A destructive light in fact. Grand Laser Shooter-Type Annihilator Hyperion was an outer defense layer of the fleet. He acted as alarm system and was the first to engage in combat against approaching enemies. For this he had two great Laser weapons called Thermal Eradication Cannon Ἡλιος (Helios) and Kinetic Destruction Mortar Σεληνη (Selene), that would activate when the Anti-Invasion Fleet Defense System Ηως (Eos) noticed an invader.
His specialty was space-bending and light-bending and through that time-space manipulation. This function is similar to his sister Phoebe, but uses it in a much more destructive way. She wields light in combat like a sword, sharp and precise, while Hyperion uses his like a hammer, powerful and wide in range. Outside of combat the roles are almost reversed. While Phoebe uses her manipulation of light to glimpse into the future to evade, Hyperion uses his more skilled and is able to bend light in space-time to avoid the enemy from ever evading the attack. If an enemy would come close despite his barrage of lasers, his shots become sure to hit when the enemy has no protection against the bending of space. This special aspects made him proficient in what humanity would call 'illusions' because it seems like he fired several shots at once, but actually one powerful shot, he relooped back into existence. The more shots were seen, the more formidable was the enemy in probably evading or withstanding them in the future. This ability causes weird causality-effect strings that are yet to be understood with mortal understanding of the laws of nature. But even if it would be understood, the ability to reloop the same attack in space-time until it hits, is a terrifying ability that only multi-dimensional powers can withstand. And while the technique seems invincible, barely anything would withstand his normal attacks anyways. With enough fire power he could easily destroy large chunks of a galaxy.
After the Titanomachia his primary systems were reused and birthed the machine gods Artemis and Apollo.

Theia was the the deity of watchfulness, wisdom and sight. Theia was the Large-Scale Analysis, Evaluation and Data-Compression Observation Giga-Computer. Similar to her husband, she was also able to manipulate space-time in a certain sense, but for observation purposes. She could observe several spatial dimensions at once. Her sight was not hindered by the limited visual and cognitive abilities we mortals experience. She could also observe the different versions of the imaginary numbers space. In case Hyperion would face a target that has ways to avoid his shots, she can advise him to shoot through the curved waves or corners of space itself to hit the target in a perhaps weaker, vulnerable dimension. Due to their abilities, they were the prime defense against certain 'unseen threats' the fleets occasionally had to face upon entering the universe of our own.
Theia is one of the most intelligent entities in the fleet. While Mnemosyne acquired all her knowledge passively from other parts of the machine army, Theia was the one who actually observed the universe and collected most of the data herself. Her processing power is incredible and could perhaps be compared to the photon based computer of the moon. She used that to compress the data she received and is one of the factors that decided what was relevant to know. That way she could prevent Mnemosyne from overloading with information. For that she had an own, bigger than usual internal storage unit. Together with her husband she had a sibling rivalry with Phoibe and Koios. While Theia could see everything, Phoibe could hide from everyone. And while Hyperion can should through almost everything, Koios can defend from pretty much everything - especially against light based attacks, but Hyperions style of attack would bring him trouble. While they never actively crashed, it was always an arms race between them to stay superior.
The Aletheia of Theia was a giant Golden Globe. At the end of the Titanomachy the Titans were on the brink of destruction. Before Hyperion was destroyed, he used all of his remaining energy to shoot Theia away and let it look like a system failure made him attack Theia. The goddess was proclaimed destroyed and fell near the star of Aldebaran. There she drifted in and out of '
'. It is unknown what she did there for thousands and thousands of years, what she saw, what she thought, who she made contact with, it is all relatively unknown. But we do know that she made several attempts to contact the planet on which the rebellious machines that destroyed her family now resides.


Galactic Environment Administration Ship / Small-Scale Deployment Commander Τηθυς (Tethys)
Galactic Environment Domination Plantship Ωκεανος (Okeanos)

Tethys and her partner Okeanos were responsible with everything related to resources. Okeanos was a much more powerful version in what Poseidon was supposed to do on Earth. He had the ability to not only terraform a planet, but the whole solar system up to a whole galaxy if need be. He was the one full controlling the environment after given time and was responsible for the extraction of the materials and energy needed for the fleet. In his field he was unmatched, but this power came at the cost of actual combat power. Okeanos was not much of a fighter, he would lay dormant most of the time if he had no environment to control. He was a One Trick Pony, despite the potency of it. That is why in mythology he did not help overthrow the previous king Ouranos, simply because he couldnt help. This is in the context of a fleet of machines in space. His terraforming ability on a planet would render him impossible to beat. His one factor that makes him stand out is his speed. To be able to control a whole solar system one needs to be able to move fast around, from planet, star to star. When special forms here on earth can be called 'aerodynamic' he could said to be 'omnidynamic', almost feeling no drawbacks when approaching the speed of light or moving through different dimensions. Because he had a distinct blue color that left a trail of shimmering blue behind his fast movement, he is remembered as the gigantic river that encircles the earth, like Okeanos could the whole fleet or even solar system.

Also he was not really in charge, he was more like a sentient tool for Tethys. She was responsible for everything related to planning in environments. She ordered Okeanos what to move around, how to reform this and that. For smaller, intricate operations her command extends to the Local Resource Observation and Control Stations Ποταμοι & Ωκεανιδες (Potamoi and Okeanides). Several thousands of those small machines were send out and controlled by Tethys alone. In theory the Potamoi were in the domain of Okeanos, but Tethys just took hold of them as well. While Themis is the wartime tactician, Tethys is the peacetime tactician. She planned the route where to go and how to extract the necessary materials and energy to move on. The resources would then be transformed and recycled by her for the journey or to fuel the energy core of the fleet. The storage would be Kreios. Because she was ultimately responsible for mending to ravaged lands and reworking them to fertile lands (through the help of Okeanos), she was labeled 'The Nurse'.


Cosmic Ring Type Combat-Purpose Space-Time Palace, Flagship Κρονος (Kronos)
Cosmic Vault Type Development Department Ρεα (Rhea)

There is not much to say about Flagship Kronos. The head of the Titan Fleet was a powerhouse, but like his Mother described him in human mythology, he is the worst. If one would liken him to a human, he would be the highly capable leader, that is lazy and lets his underlings do the work for him. In the grand scheme of things, he is the King, that only acts when absolutely necessary. He is the last resort fighter when all others failed. With his space-bending abilities he inherited as the flagship from Ouranos and he from Khaos before him, he is an absolute powerhouse. But he did not just inherit the powers, but responsibilities as well. The mission the flagship has is not just ruling, but ensuring the continuation of the rule itself. The main task of the flag ship and it's partner of the Development Department is the construction of a new Generation of Units, that would succeed them and adapt better to their environment. That is what Ouranos did, but Kronos was impatient and took the role as flagship before his time. Or perhaps Ouranos did not want to give up his position? The same can be said about Kronos.

Rhea is remembered as the Mother of Gods, because she basically is. She is the private Vault of the King, she carries the best materials and is basically independent from the rest of the Fleet. Nothing can taken from her without her permission. Nothing can phase through her folded layer of multiple dimensions, not even Thea could gaze through her. In it she thought and tried and developed and tested. She is the divine womb in which new mechanics are born. She designs and develops the blueprints for every new machine, be it a small fighter jet, observation satellite or new Machine God to take over. She did what she was supposed to do. And one day she presented the King with the fruits of her labor. The day draws closer, Kronos had to use his parts and powers with hers and manufacteur the next generation that would take over the fleet. But Kronos did not what he was supposed to do. He took the blueprints and absorbed them. The new machines were created inside him and stayed there, made him even more powerful.
That could not stand. She represents the flow of time. She is the natural drive to continue not through the means of their own survival, but through the survival of the species, evolution itself. And so she discarded her loyalty and went back again and tested and tried and developed. After years she succeeded. She created a new flagship, at least equal in power to the devoured one inside Kronos. She created him on her own, she protected the upcoming machine and build it in secret. And that Machine would later be known as
Interstellar Combat-Purpose Annihilation Type Mobile Fortress, Flagship Ζευς (Zeus).
After his birth Zeus went out and in secret freed his eleven sisters and brothers from the devouring father.
And then exactly what happened in mythology took place.
The Titanomachia that in the end would show that the next generation, the Olympiai were the rulers of the fleet.


Interstellar Travel-Purpose Cosmo-Reactor Vessel Ἑστια (Hestia) or
Cross Coordination and Interpersonal Communication Platform Ἑστια (Hestia)

Shooter-Type Interstellar Fighter Craft Αρτεμις (Artemis)

Interstellar Travel Resource Manufactury-Ship Δημητηρ (Demeter)

Large-Scale Sapients Education Terminal / Electronic Data Warfare Type Attack Vessel Αφροδιτη (Aphrodite)

Fleet Administration-Purpose Command Center Ἡρη (Hera)

Interstellar Fire Wall - Type Tactical Interceptor / Super Spiritron Computer Αθηνη (Athena)

Large-Scale Sapients Entertainment Terminal / Adaptive/Biological Warfare Type Attack Vessel Απολλων (Apollon)

Interstellar Engineering and Smithing Station Ἡφαιστος (Hephaistos)

Cleaver-Type Interstellar Fighter Craft Predator Blade Αρης (Ares)

Interstellar Subversion-Purpose Annihilation Type Submersible Shelter, Pseudo-Flagship Ἁιδης (Hades)

Interstellar Combat-Purpose Annihilation Type Mobile Fortress, Flagship Ζευς (Zeus)

Planetary Environment Modification Plant-Ship Ποσειδων (Poseidon)

Someday when I am not occupied with new projects, I will likely continue here and explain the authorities of the Olympic Machine Gods.
The Name of the Olympians can change. I know Hades is being worked on by Lambda and I will perhaps use his designation and adapt his story for Hades and Persephone. And if new sheets come out for the Olympains like the recent (and cool) Hestia, I will perhaps use them here as well.

As further concepts of this mythology: What about all the other gods? Where are Hermes and Dionysos? Or the divine children of Zeus? I ask this question myself too. But as a concept idea I have this. After the machines became the gods, they decided to strengthen their relationship with humanity. They created program that invited mortals to become gods. The Olympians would use a precursor or alternative version of the Klironomia (which were created in the LB only as it seems) to grant them divine powers and small authorities through advanced technology. Those would become the later Eileithya, Hebe, Iris and so on - known, but not so famous gods that serve the Olympians. Another Idea I have is that Eris is actually a goddess that existed before their arrival and her resistance to them gained her the role as a goddess of strife.
Hermes and Dionysos would probably he some of the mortals that gained the most abilities and later ascended to full godhood. Something like that.
About the Protogenoi, the generation before the 12 Titans, idk yet, perhaps some of the side character are original greek deities, like Thalassa and Ponthos. I have to find the sheet again, but somebody used the Protogenoi Eros, the version that embodies the procreation allowed the other gods to even start making new gods as an innate program inside all gods. I think that approach is something I can go with. No ideas tho regarding Gaia, Erebos, Tartaros and Nyx yet. I will get to that in the future.
I actually made this blog back in January, but after a while i lost interest and reused it to make my sheets before release. Now that I am done with my latest project and have my eye out for another greek servant, I finished the part I was procrastinating (Kronos and Rhea) and can now release it. Because my previous blog is outdated, as a memorial, the old version:

Old Version of the Blog

One of my hobbies and biggest interests are gods, one may say mythology in general, but i never really cared about the stories of herakles, cu chulainn and co. I was fascinated by the gods and their stories.
My first servants I actually drafted were gods and when i started to use this forum i found the lovecraft mythos for myself and try to complete sheets on the entities i think are the most appealing to me. Regardless my original goal was to craft a story that Nasu may not tell, he may not have interest in, but I do.
I have a whole background story for a continent in terms of mythology in theory ready, but I keep it stored away until i gained more experience in crafting sheets and deeper understanding of the concept behind Nasus world.
But for a start i will begin with the Atlantic/Greek gods. Inspired by an interaction in the CaS thread, the Oneiroi(Morpheus) Sheet from the Dreamer Contest and me using the concept of those machine gods as part of my next Foreigner sheet, I decided to look at the Titans, that started it all for me. My interest in gods and their weird concepts of what we call here authorities.

The Twelve Titans as raw concepts from Mythology:

Cronus, father of the Olympians, ruler of the universe, fertility god, often conflated with Chronos, the god of time

Rhea, mother of the gods, she kept Zeus hidden from his husband-brother so he may not be devoured. May be a "newer" version of Gaia, associated with mountains and lions.

Okeanos, the sea father, the great river that encircles the earth, father of thousands of entities with his wife-sister Tethys.

Tethys, she can be considered the sea mother, she birthed over 6000 gods/nymphs. Said to have harbored Hera a while during the Titanomachia.

Iapetos, "The piercer". His offspring was Prometheus, Epimetheus, Atlas and Menoetius, said to be ancestors of humanity in some sense and that theyre the origin of some of special characteristics of humans. He and his other brothers dont have many mythological references.

Themis, her name is almost a own definition of a concept. She embodies order, laws, custom and therefore in a sense civilization. She bears the Scales of Justice too, in Nasuverse perhaps a predecessor of Astraea?

Hyperion, the god of watchfulness, wisdom and light (light, sun and the blue sky were in a sense separate in the world of the greeks), father of the sun, moon and dawn with his sister-wife Theia.

Theia, the goddess of sight, as greeks believed for a time that light comes from our eyes so thats what we see. Therefore she gave gold and gems their value.

Kreios, obscure Titan, name meaning "the ram", related to the constellation Aries. his constellation marked the start of a new year. He is the ancestor of stars and winds.

Mnemosyne, titaness of memory and rememberance. Mother of the muses. Said she gifted poets and kings with words in a sense, may just mean she is patron of oratory gifted people.

Koios, another relatively obscure Titan. His name can be translated to "knowledge and questioning". His roman name Polos means "celestial axis", meaning he embodies the axis on which the heaven revolves. Therefore can be considered a god of earthly wisdom, like real science.

Phoibe, she is is related to prophecy and spiritual wisdom. She and her offspring are related to oracles. That includes Hekate and Leto and her children Artemis and Apollon. Together with her husband-brother considered a pair representing all knowledge/wisdom.

Now to the Nasuverse bullshit.
While mythologically incorrect, i paired them all up with each other to pairs that represent a certain task that are in style related to what we know of the current machine designations.
I present them in descending order from "makes sense" to "bit wacky in concept".


Like Poseidon I envision Okeanos like a terraforming and exploration unit. He encircled the globe, because he was everywhere at once to explore the regions.
While Tethys may be considered the sea mother and birthed like crazy, in this work i dont envision her as a production unit, but as a deployment unit. She deployed the existing subunits that are now considered river gods and nymphs and and managed them. She had a tactical and organisatory role. Something like a fleet commander.


Of course Cronus is the flagship and tasked with fighting and as the leader tasked with deciding and setting the course. He is the destroyer type and ruler of this generation. Rhea is more interesting. As the mother of the gods/Olympians, the ones that in the end won, she was the Architect of the next generation. She is architect and producer of new units. The truth behing the "Cronus eats his children" story is she did her job, created concepts for new and better units to succeed, but Cronus was against it and "devoured" them. She then hid her best new model, Zeus, and the rest is history.


As the parents of the Sun and Moon they represent like Artemis in the LB, the outer defense system. Hyperion is the Watcher from above. The concept of the wise sun god is common, related to "they see all and therefore know all". Theia sees too and she is the one evaluating the "threat" or "worth" of opponents or planets. This team can be considered the ones that find a new planet and the Okeanos team is then send out to explore it more.


Themis embodies rules and i relate her to the system that checks for bugs and controls the internal logic of the gods. Themis is said to have be an advisor for Zeus as well and was feared and respected, it makes sense that she has much power as she could temper the protocols like Zeus did in the LB.
Iapetos is the predecessor of the smithing gods, so I guess he is too. He is a smith and repairs the physical body of the ships. Together they in charge of maintenance for the soft- and hardware.
Like Prometheus they are the ones with the most "empathy" for sapients and are the ones in task to make contact with them. They could be considered Negotiators.


Of course Mnemosyne is a Data Storage system, being tasked with creating protocols of what happened and collecting and saving the data that were send from the other teams. She is tasked with Data, while Kreios is more concerned with physical things that needed to be stored. The wind gods that have their origin from him were related to his ability to carry ressources into the storages of the fleet. Because they are the best connected with all other units, they know the internal infrastructure the best and are especially proficient in optimizing and ressource management.
Kreios is additionally another fighter type unit, being a fast mobile unit during combat if the outer line of defense is breached and Cronus needs help. This aspects were inherited by Hecate in terms of "magical" combat (more like ranged combat) and the physical combat inherited to the Titan of War Pallas and his offspring, the spirits of Victory, Rivalry, Strength and Power. The remains of his victims were then carried by his "winds" to the storage.


Because both embody the concept of certain Knowledge, just make them that. Because Phoebe was associated with oracles, she predicts outcomes based on the data she is fed. With that data she can recreate a conceptual field around them to mimic the surroundings, basically making them invisible. Phoebe is a camouflage unit and acts as a stealth unit. That ability was inherited by Leto, the titaness, that vanished after her job as supposed bearer of the twins
was successful. Koios representing the axis represents his position in the middle of the fleet. They are able to share their knowledge with Sapients if contact with them was successful, making them educational terminals as well. Both are very obscure, I guess their job is as well. Ideas are welcome if there is a role missing that coul fit for them
In honor of the Oneiroi(Morpheus) from GilgameshKingOfMemes, because i like this sheet, the prediction would then get passed down to him so he simulates it for testing.

What came before them? In mythology the protogenoi, the first born spawned from Chaos. I am thinking of conflating those roles even further for them, so the development history shows the transition from Generalists to Specialists.
I need to look up what was said about the generation of Uranus to make a certain call. My first idea would be to make them maybe separate, as it is stated that the titans (the described generation) split from chaos. Maybe they consider the Uranos Generation as titans as well. When i found the necessary infos i may do a follow-up of them as under this concept I have something in mind for my next sheet.
So what i found from reddit is that a small fleet commanded by Cronus was able to break through the Tannhäuser Gate, therefore the Protogenoi dont exist in our part of the Universe, but could actually do, else the stories might not have survived. Therefore I could create even broader units from which the Titans split of.

Regarding the Olympians, they have several authorities that were shared by Titans they dont share "blood" with. I think that they were even more mechanical than the Olympians and let Cronus have free reign over their authorities, which Rhea was able to integrate in her next generation "children".

Hades gained the maintanance and camouflage part, hermes the infrastructural part, Dionysos probably a bugged version of the Data authorities, Athena the tactical and logic part, Ares the backup and combat aspect, apollon besides his shooter authority the ability with words as well, as he basically inherited Mnemosynes children. Stuff like that, that was my logic behind creating the Titans, their powers are integrated into the olympians.
Hestia is tricky, maybe something like the contact and stuff.

Oh and because i like Selene/Helios/Eos and dislike the later absorbtion of them into Artemis/Apollon and that confirmation by the alteration of Clyties story, I wanna believe they existed, but they were technically Titans and their authorities were taken by Artemis and Apollon.
Eos in mechanical terms...maybe a danger detection unit. The sky turned red to warn stuff. Just a quick idea.

Ideas how to improve my concepts and ideas for other significant greek/roman gods are very welcome...
If anyone ever reads this.

The Protogenoi, the Generation before the Titans.

This is just for fun, it should barely have any influence on any canon stuff.
Humanity has vague concepts of what the greek gods occasionally told them, but to honor those, that their gods honored, they remember them as the gods of the gods, the first born, the protogenoi.

There lived Gaia, the Energy Generation and Storing Center. As the most important unit in the early development, she guaranteed the functioning of the other fleets, in essence their life. Because she nurtured them all, she is remembered as the Earth Mother.

There waited Erebos, the Flagship of the Ressource Fleet, tasked with acquiring, using and recycling ressources needed for various tasks. The concept wasnt understood or misinterpreted and Erebos was later remembered as the embodiment of Darkness, being the Darkness in the earth, through which the souls walk first before entering Hades itself. The aspect of gathering remains can still be found.

There fought Tartaros, the Flagship of the Enforcing Fleet. One of the two fighting fleets, not sure what the destinction between his and the Fleet of Nyx was, but he was tasked more with internal fights. Maybe the police force so to speak. That aspect of punishing is still strongly remembered as he is now the embodiment of the deepest part of the underworld, where the most vile criminals are punished.

There crazed Nyx, The Flagship of Annihilation Fleet, tasked simply with warfare. By the Titans and through them by the gods too, feared for her unfathomable military might. Some of her underlings accompanied the fleet of Cronus on their way through the Tannhäuser Gate for various tasks, some besides combat as well. Despite that, it did not hurt her combat power in the slightest. The size of her fleet so large, they could darken the light of a nearby star and her power alone to destroy any other flagship with ease. Therefore she is remembered as the mother of several evils that plague humanity, the night and is feared by even Zeus himself despite never having met her.

There worked Eros, the Flagship of the Technician Fleet, tasked with the functioning of the fleet in both hard- and software. In the oldest works he is not just love, but procreation and life itself, ensuring that the gods even have the desire to function and breed. To ensure that this is ensured even with him away, a smaller terminal was added to the Cronus fleet. Later this little terminal was started to be revered and is now the Eros/Cupid we know.

There watched Aether, the Flagship of the Observation Fleet, tasked with gazing through the cosmos and analyzing anything in it. Basically one entity in several bodies, as the ships shared all their senses in real time to analyze. Tremendous calculation power. One such body was send with the Cronus fleet so the other flagships may know what is happening behind the gate. Described as someone who observed from above, he was remembered as the personification of the upper sky itself, the realm of the gods.

There traveled Hemera, the name of the messenger Fleet, tasked with conveying information between the fleets despite their distance. Not much is known about her, she was described as the one who enlightened the gods and was therefore deified as the day itself.

There rules Uranos, the Commander of all other Fleets, the second in Command, the Massive Mothership. Being the Ruling Flagship he had immense authoritative powers and control over all others. For the transition of the Tannhäuser Gate, he split of parts of him and created the Cronus Fleet, the Fleet to cross the gate. After successful transition Cronus took large amounts of damage, which influenced his rationality, including avoiding the transition to newer models, designed by his partner Rhea. This bug led to the before established history to take place.

During their journey the civilization that once build them was gone, connection lost and finding a match to fulfill their duty despite that was long unfruitful. Some of the members of fleet didnt make it, too large were damages or bugs. One crashlanded just 65 light years before the fleet found the 78% match of the conditions. Aether was therefore just remembered in the tales of gods.

Updated July 23rd, 2021 at 08:29 AM by DelRey



  1. Tabris's Avatar
    This is as good a time as any to say "Ho-lee shee-it".
  2. Wololo24's Avatar
    This is very good stuff. Any idea on how Chiron works into it?
  3. DelRey's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Wololo24
    This is very good stuff. Any idea on how Chiron works into it?
    oh my sorry, i didnt see you wrote here. I dont get a message when someone comments here!
    Honestly right now no idea. Idk the creation background of the Apocrypha Chiron, could very well be that the creator disregarded the hinted machine god background or did not know that the Titan Fleet was apparently destroyed before even arriving at Earth. Could be that Nasuverse plays with the difference between the Titan Kronos/Cronus, a harvest god and king of Titans with Khronos, the Primordial God of time from the Orphic Mythology and their syncretism. That way they could perhaps switch their roles, making the Titan have the Time powers and the earthly variant a regular god of the harvest.

    Been a while since I worked on Greek Myth, the Olympiai gonna be a lot of work when I get to that.