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Fate/Grand Order Story and Lore (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

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Quote Originally Posted by Master of Chaos View Post
It has been a while....

Jiang Ziya
黄河支流の渭水北岸で釣りをするさなかに周の文王(西伯昌)と出逢い、彼こそは周の先君太公が望んだ賢者だ として「太公望」の号で呼ばれたという。

文王および武王を助け、殷王朝の打倒に力を注ぎ、その功によって斉侯となり、春秋戦国時代における大国・斉 の祖となった。


属性:中立・善  性別:男性
「覆水盆に返らず」の語源に関わっているのだが……そのことを言われると、少し悲しい顔をする 。

古代中国、殷末期の戦乱を背景として繰り広げられる、仙境と人界を巻き込んだ大殺神(人)―――すなわち“ 封神”の執行者として活動。

最終的には歴史の通り、文王および武王を助け、道士でありつつも軍師として軍勢を指揮し、殷王朝の打倒に貢 献。後の大国である斉の祖となった。

兵法が学問の体系として確立される以前に戦略・戦術を自ら編み出し、駆使した人物が太公望であ るという。

太公望は神獣ランクの幻想種さえ自在に乗りこなすが、竜種については「あんなのは無理ですよ! 」とのこと。


西洋魔術とはまったく異なる、東方における思想魔術にまつわる思想鍵紋を有し、仙術や方術(道術)と称して 使用している模様。
紀元前1000年頃の人物であり、思想盤の特権領域へのアクセスさえ可能とする太公望の使うそれは、言わば 「神代の思想魔術」とも言うべきモノだろう。

絆等級4 『擬竜神獣・四不相』
ランク:A 種別:対軍宝具
レンジ:1~50 最大捕捉:600人

シフソウ君は竜種の一種なのだと他の仙人たちは言っているようなのだが、「竜種なら僕が乗れるワケないじゃ ないですか」と太公望談。

常時発動型の騎乗用宝具だが、一時的に竜の如き巨大な魔力を纏い、姿を変え、空を駆け抜け、時には敵軍を灼 き尽くす。
本作では変身と攻撃こそするものの、真名解放による対軍殲滅級の力については基本的に使用され ない。

ランク:EX 種別:対神宝具
レンジ:0~90 最大捕捉:1~800人


これぞ真名解放による宝具の威、と本人は言うが、思想鍵紋を用いたごく一時的な思想盤の特権領域接続によっ て神仙級の魔術攻撃を放っている可能性がある。

この場合、ライダー太公望は、さも英霊の座から罷り越したという顔をしているが、実際には神仙である「大本 の太公望」の分霊などがサーヴァント化した存在ということになる。


ツングースカでの現界にあたっての太公望は、妲己との再会もとい妲己退治にやる気を出していたが、コヤンス カヤはまさかの完全別人であった。
予想を外してごめんなさいと言いなさい、とニキチッチが迫っても、断固として微笑むのみである 。




「籠絡? まさか。
Taigong Wang

A famous strategist from Ancient China.
His family name was Jiang, his given name was Shang and his courtesy name was Ziya, or just Ya.
While fishing on the northern bank of the Wei River (a tributary of the Yellow River), he met with King Wen of Zhou (Xibo Chang) and bestowed the title Taigong Wang(1) by him (for King Wen believed Wang to be the sage the previous Grand Duke of Wen hoped for).

Taigong Wang assisted King Wen and King Wu in their efforts to overthrow the Shang dynasty. Later, he was granted lordship over lands for his achievements, which resulted in him becoming the founder of Qi - one of the great nations of the Spring and Autumn period.
He was also called Master Shangfu, Jiang Taigong and Jiang Ziya.

In the Fengshen Yanyi - a novel from the Ming dynasty - he is portrayed as a being endowed with supernatural powers... a Taoist.
In his own testimony: "How regrettable... had I been summoned as a Caster, I would definitely have turned into a Grand Caster."

A strategist, military commander of Zhou and a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun. A Taoist.
In Ancient China, while having the unfolding wars of closing years of the Yin Dynasty as a background, he played the role of an enforcer of "divine investiture" - in other words, a grand deicide (human) that involved both the fairyland and the world of man.

Just as recorded in history, he ultimately assisted King Wen and King Wu - commanding their armies as a strategist despite being a Taoist - contributing for the overthrown of the Yin Dynasty.

The Taigong Wang that manifested in Tunguska felt really motivated due to the reunion with Daji (or rather, the Daji Extermination mission), but it turned out that Koyanskaya was a completely different person.
In regard to that...Taigong Wang says nothing special about it.
Neither that he was disappointed, nor that he was relieved.
He simply smiles in an ambiguous manner.
Even when Nikitich presses that "you should say you're sorry for making a wrong conjecture", he simply smiles in a resolute manner.

There are no records of Taigong Wang establishing an emotional bond with Daji in the past.
Just as told in the "Fengshen Yanyi", he defeated Daji and overthrew the Yin Dynasty that had already reached the end of the line. Even the comrades who fought together with him would unanimously say: "its unthinkable that Taigong Wang would be cajoled by Daji".

In fact, he was not cajoled.
Rather, Daji loathed Taigong Wang and was killed by him in the end.

"Cajole? Certainly not.
Say that to her and she will kill you.
It is just that, well.
...She was beautiful. That alone is undoubtedly true.

Height/Weight: 179cm・63kg
Source: Historical fact, Shiji, "Fengshen Yanyi" an etc.
Region: China
Alignment: Neutral Good
Sub-Alignment: Earth
Gender: Male
He is related to the etymology of the proverb "what's done is done"(2), but... he makes a somewhat sorrowful face when you mention that.

Primeval Art of War: A+
Supposedly, Taigong Wang was the one who devised and employed tactics/strategy even before the art of war was established as a systematic discipline.
It has also been said that he wrote the "Six Secrets" and the "Three Strategies", treatises on military strategy from Ancient China that are both counted among the Seven Military Classics.

Riding: A+
Taigong Wang can freely handle even phantasmal species of Divine Beast-rank, but when asked about the draconic species he says: "There is no way I can drive that!"

Divine Investiture Enforcement: B
A skill that represents his way of being as an enforcer of "divine investiture". It grants special effectiveness against beings of divine or demonic nature.

Ideological Key-Crest: EX
Taigong Wang is a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, the highest being in the Taoism. In other words, he is a Taoist.
It seems he possesses an ideological key-crest (something related to the ideological magecraft from the Orient, which is completely different from Western magecraft) and claims to employ senjutsu and houjutsu (doujutsu).
As an individual from around 1000 BC, what Taigong Wang uses is something better described as the "ideological magecraft from the Age of Gods" - which even makes possible to access the privileged domain of the ideological disc.


Sibuxiang - Pseudo-Dragon Divine Beast
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1~50
Maximum Targets: 600 people
A divine beast. It is portrayed as Taigong Wang's mount in the "Fengshen Yanyi".
Although the other xianren describe Sibuxiang as a kind of draconic species, Taigong Wang's own testimony is that "there is no way I would be able to ride it if it was a draconic species".

Although a mount Noble Phantasm that is constantly active, at times it temporarily clads itself in massive magical energy similarly to a dragon in order to change its figure, run through the sky and burn the enemy army to ashes.
Despite shapeshifting and performing attacks, in this work it fundamentally does not employ the anti-army extermination-class power by means of release of True Name.

Rank: EX
Type: Anti-God
Range: 0~90
Maximum Targets: 1~800 people
A whip meant to beat down a god. The Noble Phantasm granted to Taigong Wang, as an enforcer of "divine investiture". It is believed that this Noble Phantasm is the source of his Divine Investiture Enforcement skill. Supposedly, there were some restrictions on its use in the past, but it seems those were lifted upon his manifestation as a Heroic Spirit.

When its True Name is released, an oversized Dashenbian comes down from the sky and pierces the enemies together with the land.
Taigong Wang himself says that this is the power of a Noble Phantasm that had its True Name released, but there is also a possibility that he is firing a magical attack on the level of a Taoist immortal by temporarily connecting with the privileged domain of the ideological disc through the ideological key-crest.

Or maybe, there is also a suspicion that he is borrowing the power of his other self - who became a Taoist immortal following spiritual training.
If that is the case, this means that Rider Taigong Wang is actually a bunrei of the "original (Taoist immortal) Taigong Wang" turned into a Servant, who just pretends to be visiting from the Throne of Heroes.

What is actually the case... Taigong Wang does not say.
Maybe, not even he himself knows.

(1) Taigong Wang (太公望) is literally translated as "Grand Duke's hope".

(2) 覆水盆に返らず. Literally, "split water won't go back into its tray". Supposedly, it concerns the divorce with his first wife.


伝説の名君「太陽の君」キエフ大公ウラジーミルに仕えた勇士たちの中でも、最強の勇者ムーロメツに次ぐ第二 の勇士と称される強壮の若武者である。
邪悪な三頭竜ズメイ・ゴルィニシチェを退治してキエフの姫君を助け出した逸話や、妻ナスターシアにまつわる 逸話などで知られる。


属性:中立・善  副属性:地  性別:女性?


あまり多弁な方ではないが、「自分にできないことはさほどないだろう」という強い確信が全身に満ち溢れてい る。
ともすれば自信過剰と紙一重の領域ではあるが、並の自信過剰とは違い、「できないことは、できない」と弁え る冷静さを併せ持つ。

なので、集団行動する際は王や指揮官にすべてを委ね、自分自身ではあまり考えないようにしてい る。



冒険心に駆られた彼はダマスク鋼の武具を持ち出し、次々と禁忌を破り、さまざまな冒険を繰り広 げる。
最終的には三頭竜ズメイ・ゴルィニシチェをなんと二度にもわたって打ち倒し、二度目の勝利の際には、キエフ 大公の姪であるザバーヴシカ姫を救い出した。


ロシアの英雄にして巨人ミクラ・セリャニノビッチの娘「ナスターシア・ミクリシュナ」であるとも、ひたすら に夫の帰りを待ち続けた伝説で知られる若妻「ナスターシア・ニクリシュナ」であるとも言われる 。

ミクリシュナ版の逸話では、三頭竜ズメイ・ゴルィニシチェと戦った後の彼は、女巨人にして英雄ナスターシア と決闘するも敗北し、彼女のパウチにしまわれてしまう。


第一の説は、騎士王アーサー・ペンドラゴンとして知られる英霊アルトリアのように、伝説と過去の現実が異な っていたというモノ。単純明快である。

第二の説は、宝具の形で収まっている邪悪なる竜種ズメイ・ゴルィニシチェの鎮めきれない悪性が呪詛の形で霊 基を歪めているのではないか、というモノ。

第三の説は、ニキチッチ本人ではなく、妻であるナスターシア(本作ではミクリシュナとニクリシュナ双方の性 質を有するものとする)が真名を偽装した状態で現界している、というモノである。
その場合、若々しく礼儀正しき夫ニキチッチが現界してモテるのをナスターシアが案じたか、カルデア召喚式の 側に何らかのトラブルがあったのか……等々の理由が考えられる。

少なくとも、英霊ドブルイニャ・ニキチッチは、竜殺しの英雄ドブルイニャ・ニキチッチその人として振る舞っ ている。


第二宝具『白く輝ける竜殺武具』がスキルとして表現されたもの。ドブルイニャ・ニキチッチの武器と防具、装 備一式の威を示すスキル。

(愛馬由来の不老の力は既にニキチッチの特性になっているものとみなし、「永遠の若武者」スキルとして分離 されている)

ランク:A 種別:対人/対軍宝具
レンジ:1~50 最大捕捉:1人/200人


更にそれだけでは飽き足らず、ドブルイニャ・ニキチッチ本人が「隙あり」とばかりに対象に接近、ダマスク鋼 の塊を振りかざして襲いかかる。
たとえ三重連ドラゴンブレスに耐え切れたとしても、とどめに超重武器で打ち据えられては、如何な猛者でも無 事では済まないだろう。


何分、本人が語らないため事実は不明であるが、ドブルイニャ・ニキチッチ或いはドブルイニャ・ニキチッチを 名乗るこの英霊は、1908年のツングースカ大爆発の直後、現地を訪れていた可能性がある。



この説が事実であるとすれば、九つの尾を持つ人類悪、金色白面の似姿となったタマモヴィッチ・コヤンスカヤ の……「コヤンスカヤ」部分の名付け親こそがこの英霊であるということになるだろう。



Dobrynya Nikitich

A brave warrior, bogatyr spoken about in the Russian epic Bylina.
A dragon slayer.

Even among the brave warriors that served the legendary wise ruler Vladimir - the Archduke of Kiev known as "Lord of the Sun" - he was a sturdy young warrior regarded as second only to the strongest hero, Muromets.
He is better known for the anecdotes of exterminating the evil three-headed dragon Zmei Gorynich, saving the princess of Kiev and those related to his wife Natasia.

In legends, he is portrayed as male.
Even the person herself says that "Nikitich is a man".
However, the form in which he manifested... is that of a woman.
When you point that out, what comes back is a simple answer: "well, that's right".

A dignified young warrior that is full of confidence. Despite not being very talkative, she is overflowing with a strong conviction that "few are the things that I cannot do". While prone of reaching the point of being little different from overconfidence, unlike your average presumptuous person, she also has the presence of mind to discern that "I cannot do what I cannot do".

Quick of judgement. She does not hesitate at all. Since she takes action immediately after making a decision, she is not suited for collective action. As such, when collective action becomes necessary, she tends to just entrust everything to the king and the commanders, without thinking much over matters herself.
(this makes her prone to appear absentminded)

Since she is full of confidence and of excellent decisiveness, her disposition is better suited for independent action, as expected.
One could say she is a Heroic Spirit fit for solo adventures and scout missions.

According to the Bylina....
Dobrynya Nikitich was born in a noble house and raised as refined young man by the love of his mother, a widow.

He possessed three taboos, but...
Those were broken one after the other when he was driven by an adventurous spirit to acquire armaments of Damascus steel and undergo many adventures.
Ultimately, he twice defeated the three-headed dragon Zmei Gorynich. At his second victory, he also saved Princess Zabava - niece of the Archduke of Kiev.

His reward for exterminating the dragon was to take the princess as a wife...but Dobrynya Nikitich had no desire for that.

The name of the woman who became his wife was Natasia.
She is named both "Natasia Mikulishna" (the daughter of the giant and Russian hero Mikula Selyaninovich) and "Natasia Nikulichna" (the young wife who is known for the legend of continuously waiting for her husband's return).

In the Mikulishna version of the legend, after defeating the three-headed dragon Zmei Gorynich, Nikitich lost a duel to the giantess and heroine Natasia and was stuck inside her pouch.
Afterwards, he and Natasia would eventually marry.

In legends, Nikitich is not a woman, but a man.
However, why then has Rider Dobrynya Nikitich manifested as a woman?
The person herself remain completely silent about it.
About this matter, the Chaldea staff came up with three different hypothesis.

The first is that, just like how Heroic Spirit Arturia became known as the King of Knights Arthur Pendragon, the legend came to differ from past reality. Plain and simple.

Second, the unquellable malignancy of the wicked draconic species Zmei Gorynich (which was installed as her Noble Phantasm) might have taken the shape of a curse that is distorting her Saint Fraph. It's possible.

The third theory is that she is not Nikitich himself, but his wife Natasia (this work regards that she possesses the disposition of both Mikulishna and Nikulichna); who has manifested in a condition in which her True Name is disguised. In this case, there might have been some trouble in the Chaldea's summoning system, or maybe Nastasia worried that her youthful, courteous husband Nikitich might become too popular if he manifested... anyway, many reasons can be inferred.

All these sound convincing enough, but their veracity is unknown.
At the very least, Heroic Spirit Dobrynya Nikitich behaves as if she is the very dragon-slaying hero Dobrynya Nikitich.

...why a Heroic Spirit was able to manifest in that place?
Was it due to her being an incarnation of the Counter Force?
Or due some other miracle?
Or maybe, just like in a Holy Grail War, due to some sort of summoning ceremony?

Since the person herself does not speak about it, some details remain unknown. However, there is a possibility that Dobrynya Nikitich (or the Heroic Spirit that call herself Dobrynya Nikitich) appeared at Tunguska in 1908, right after the great explosion.

There, this Heroic Spirit baptised the juvenile Beast that had just came into existence as a lifeform.

Her name would be Koyanskaya.

If such theory is true, at least in regards to the Koyanskaya part, that means that this Heroic Spirit is the godparent of Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya - the nine-tailed human vice that became a facsimile of Konjiki Hakumen.

The Nikitich that appeared in Chaldea worries a lot about Koyanskaya.

She worries about both the Koyanskaya of Light and the Koyanskaya of Darkness.
In addition, she thinks of those two as "something like twins".
Also, she wants to make friends with them if there is a chance.

Height/Weight: 165cm・50kg (include the ears)
Source: Russian heroic epics (Kievan Rus)
Region: Russia, Ukraine
Alignment: Neutral Good
Sub-Alignment: Earth
Gender: Female (?)
Her catchphrase is "I can do it".
Seems like she can do almost anything.

Young Warrior of Perpetuity: B+
Dobrynya Nikitich is forever youthful. Nikitich's favorite horse supposedly possesses a power to "not let his rider grow old".
Originally, this skill would also include the effects of "Natural Body" or maybe "Pretty Boy of Rosy Cheeks".

Berza Damask: A
Her Second Noble Phantasm - "White-Shining Dragon-Slaying Armaments" - represented as a skill. A skill that denotes the might of Dobrynya Nikitich's entire set of equipments - weapon and armor.

Berza Burko: EX
Her Third Noble Phantasm - "My White-Shining Favorite Horse" (in other words, her mount) - represented as a skill. Nikitich's favorite horse (dragon) talks a lot.
(Since the power of eternal youth derived from the favorite horse is regarded as Nikitich's own trait, this has been segregated from "Young Warrior of Perpetuity").


Zmei Gorynich - The Evil Dragon Comes and Breathes Sin
Type: Anti-Unit/Anti-Army
Range: 1~50
Maximum Targets: 1 person/200 people
Her First Noble Phantasm. Temporarily summoning the legendary three-headed dragon Gorynich to burn down the target with a fire breath (x3).

As if that wasn't enough, Dobrynya Nikitich herself approaches the target (as if saying "there is an opening"), attacking them while brandishing a lump of Damascus steel.
Even if one were to fully withstand a chain of three dragon breaths, no sort of warrior would be able to escape unscathed from the hard hit of a super-heavy weapon delivered as a finishing blow.

Beast IV


それだけなら人知れず消え去るものだが、2017年1月1日、空席になったビーストⅣの候補にカウントされ 、人類悪として変生。自然霊である玉藻の前を参照元にしてアルターエゴ霊基を象り、人類排斥の為に行動を開 始した。
その目的は『動物たちの総意(無論、人間含む)として人類圏との絶縁』である。妻から夫へのみくだり半とも いう。

現人類の滅亡を対岸から眺めながら、現在の地球の環境のまま、人を傷つけない、人に傷つけられない『新しい 動物』たちの世界を構築する事が目的だった。



人類排斥、人権無視が基本方針で、人間という種を嫌い、人間の行い全てを汚らしい、と評するも、汚いから嫌 い、というワケでもない。汚いからこそ愉しいものもあるからだ。
「マジ!? どんなヤツ!?」

『異星の神』の正体を知りながら、あえて『その協力者』としてのスタンスをとっていた謎の美女 。
『異星の神』によって人類史がなくなるのも、ロストベルトによって汎人類史がなくなるのも構わ ない。
ビーストⅣ幼体であった彼女は『自分の手で人類を絶滅させたい』のではなく、『絶滅する人類を愉しみたい』 からだ。

ビーストⅣの候補として顕現したので、本来のビーストⅣだったプライミッツ・マーダーとはライ バル関係。

『異星の神』の使徒として、クリプターたちの応援をしつつ、カルデア排除もしてみたりする、悪くてできる女 。

アルターエゴとしてロストベルトを見て回り、そのロストベルト特有の『異形の怪物』をコレクションすること 。
ビーストⅣ:Lに所持された怪物たちは彼女の尾に取り込まれ、以後は彼女の尾の毛一本から生成される使い魔 となる。
『九尾の狐はその尾から魑魅魍魎を生みだし、日本全土の魑魅魍魎はすべてその時に生じたもの』……という伝 説をなぞらえるつもりだが、オリジナルの九尾の狐と同じではつまらない、とビーストⅣ:Lは考 えた。


そう。ロストベルトでしか生きられない生命をこそ、ビーストⅣ:Lは自らの使い魔に選んだので ある。

この目的の為、ビーストⅣ:Lは様々なロストベルトに転移しては怪物たちを殺し、自分の尾に取り込んでいる 。
一つのロストベルトの情報を取り込むごとに尻尾が増えていき、ロシアの尻尾、北欧の尻尾、中国の尻尾、と自 在に各ロストベルトのエネミーを使えるようになる。
ビーストⅣ:Lから生みだされたエネミーたちにはNFFサービスのステッカーが貼られており、一目で「ああ ……」と分かる仕様だった。

もとより『違う世界(領域)から飛来した』者であるビーストⅣ:Lは世界の壁をたやすく突破し、様々な異聞 帯に跳躍・転移を可能とした。


愛玩の獣は『取り込んだ動物たちを、自らの細胞から生成、放流』していたが、生みだされた生物は交配による 『家系』『系統樹』を作る事を禁じられただけでなく、そもそも生命としての『自我』を持つ事さえ許されなか った。


『異星の神』の使徒、三騎のアルターエゴのひとり……とされていたが、実はそのくくりではない。カルデア側 がそう誤認するよう、意図的に振る舞っていただけ。
『玉藻の前』の姿をしているのでタマモナインのひとりか、と思われがちだが、それもミスリード だった。

実際はツングースカで死滅した動物たち、傷ついた自然の悲鳴が・苦痛が収束した自然霊。これまで人類に迫害 された動物たちの想念が収束し、受肉したもの。
その受肉の際の器として、同じ属性(人間への復讐に生きる筈の獣)を持つ玉藻の前の霊基が選ば れた。
玉藻の前としては「私の尾にしてはちょっと……覚えがないし……でもあれ、私ですよねぇ? うーん、タマモ ちゃんオルタかな?」と首をかしげるぐらいの同一人物感。

人類絶滅の為に企業を立ち上げた直後、『異星の神』から接触を受け、互いに不可侵である事を契約し、以後は 『異星の神』の計画に表向きには協力した。

実際のところ、第四の獣の空席埋めとして顕現したものと思われるが、コヤンスカヤはライバルとして競争する より「カルデアと異星の神の共倒れ」を愉しく見守る側に切り替えたと思われる。

ちなみに狐耳ではなく兎耳。『ひたすら捕食者に狩られる運命』にある兎が魂のコアにある為、捕食する側の生 き物には敵味方問わず辛辣であり、捕食される側の生き物にはちょっと優しい。

どちらが敗れようが、その両方を取り込み、新しい人類悪として君臨する事を最終目的にする……それがビース トⅣ:Lとしてではなく、コヤンスカヤの思惑だった。
コヤンスカヤとしては是非ともカルデアに勝利してもらい、『人類を救ったマスター』を第九の尾に生きたまま 縫い付け、滅びていく人類の光景を見届けさせる予定だった。「これこそ最高のデザートです♡」

第六ロストベルトで通じ合った友人・ムリアンから『どうか、ブリテンを守って』との依頼を受け、その仕事を 完遂するために『ブリテンを救える唯一の可能性をもつカルデア(ストーム・ボーダー)』を祭神ケルヌンノス の手から守護するものの、その直後、オベロンの企みによってケルヌンノスが溜め込んだ『淀み』を注入されて しまい、霊基が増大。自分の力をコントロールできなくなり、第六ロストベルトから撤退する。
その後、暴走状態になったコヤンスカヤは白紙化地球上に隠蔽・展開させていた『非霊長圏』に逃げ込み、不本 意ながら羽化するしかない状態(まだ早いが、もうなるしかない)になった。


人類悪として成立はしていたが、根本は最後まで幼体のままであり、人類に対しての災害にならなかった(愛玩 の獣として、誇りにかけて人類を直接攻撃する手段を選ばなかった)ため、獣としての銘(な)は ない。


Beast IV: L

Originally, it was the convergence of the death rattles from the animals and the land itself caused by the Tunguska event.
The pain of the land that was blown away. The screams of the animals there were extinct in an instant, without being able to do anything. All those mixed together and formed a Residual Saint Graph that continued to linger as a distortion in space-time. Also called a Singularity Convergent Body.

If that was all there was to it, then she would just have disappeared without ever being known. But given the vacancy opened in 01/01/2017, she ended up being counted as a candidate for the Beast IV position and mutated as a human vice. Using the nature spirit Tamamo-no-Mae as a reference, she modelled an Alterego Saint Graph for herself and took action for the sake of abolishing humanity.
Her goal is a "dissolution with the human sphere, as result of the consensus of all animals (of course, that also includes humans)". In a sense, its like a letter of divorce from a wife to her husband.

While observing the downfall of modern humanity from the opposite shire, she planned to preserve the modern Earth environment to construct a world for "new animals" that do not injure people and cannot be injured by people.

While she takes the shape of an animal as a Beast, her real form is the land itself. The biosphere that nurtures animals, and the carnage sphere in which the massive killings of animals occur. As she administers both of these simultaneously, Beast IV could be described as the "8th Lostbelt".

The mother of animals, who regards humans as unnecessary. While cruel and ruthless, her love for animals is true and deep (although she does not put it on display). That being said, due to being a personification of the "severe Mother Nature", she does not pamper them (much). Despite being cruel, since her root is Tamamo-no-Mae, there is still a little bit of a softheart in her.

Her basic policy is the abolishment of humanity, the disregard for human rights. She hates the human species and regards all human deeds as filthy. That being said, it is not like she hates them because they are filthy. For there are things that are enjoyable exactly because they are filthy.
"Even I don't hate all humans. There is one exception."
"Seriously!? Who is that!?"
"Hugh Hefner"

Her Own Objective
Despite knowing the true identity of the "God from Another Planet", this mysterious beauty deliberately took a stance of "her cooperator".
She does not mind if human history were to disappear at the hands of the "God from Another Planet", or if the Pan-Human History were to be consumed by the Lostbelts. That is because, as the juvenile Beast IV, she does not "want to exterminate humanity with her own hands", but rather "wants to have fun with humanity as it goes extinct".

Having manifested as a candidate for Beast IV, her relationship with the original Beast IV - Primate Murder - is that of a rival.
(Beast IV is a human vice whose keywords are "nature" and "animals")

Secondary Objective that Was Made Public
As an apostle of the "God from Another Planet", this evil, competent woman attempts to eliminate Chaldea while providing support to the Crypters. She is endowed with a power to "freely teleport between Lostbelts", which the other Alteregos do not have.

Main Objective that Was Kept Secret from the Public
While touring the Lostbelts as an Alterego, she collects the "grotesque monsters" peculiar to each Lostbelt. The monsters possessed by Beast IV: L are absorbed by her tails, henceforth becoming familiars that can be spawned from the individual hairs of her tails.
"The nine-tailed fox produced evil spirits from her tails. The evil spirits from all over Japan were produced then".
...she intended to imitate that legend, but Beast IV: L ended up thinking that "a nine-tailed fox just like the original would be too boring".

Yes. Beast IV: L chose as her own familiars the lifeforms that could only survive in the Lostbelts.

For the sake of that objective, Beast IV: L teleported to various Lostbelts, killed the monsters found there and absorbed them in her tails.
Her tails increased every time she absorbed the information of a Lostbelt (the Russian Tail, the Norse Tail, the Chinese Tail and so forth), making her capable of freely employing the enemies found on each Lostbelt.
The enemies produced by Beast IV: L have a sticker of the NFF Services slapped on them, making possible to discern them in a single glance.

An apostle of the "God from Another Planet", and one of three Alterego Servants... or so it was thought, but actually she was not part of that group. She just intentionally behaved in a way so Chaldea would have such misconception.
01/01/2017, after the Anthropic Principle Incineration Incident.
She is the juvenile form of the beast of caring that independently manifested in Russia, as a candidate for the vacant Beast IV.
Since she has the same figure as "Tamamo-no-Mae", people are prone to think of her as one of the Tamamo Nine, but that is also a misleading.

In fact, she is a nature spirit born out of the convergence of the screams・agonies of the damaged nature, the animals that went extinct in Tunguska.
Something that converged and incarnated the thoughts of the animals that had been persecuted by humans up to that point. At the occasion of said incarnation, the Saint Graph of Tamamo-no-Mae was selected as a vessel due to her possessing similar attributes (that of beast that supposedly lives for revenge against humans).
As for Tamamo-no-Mae herself, she feels puzzled at how they they are so much alike.
"For one of my tails, she feels kind of... can't quite put it... but, that is really me right? Hmm, could it be an Alter Tamamo-chan?"

Right after going into business for the sake of human extinction, she was contacted by the "God from Another Planet", formed a contract of nonaggression with it and henceforth publicly appeared to cooperate with its plan.

As a matter of fact, while it is believed that she manifested to fill in the vacant seat of Fourth Beast, Koyanskaya seemed to have switched over to the side of enjoyably watching over "the mutual destruction Chaldea and the God from Another Planet" instead of competing with them as a rival.

Incidentally, her ears are those of a bunny, and not of a fox. Since the core of her soul is that of a bunny (whose fate is to solely be hunted by predators), she is bitter towards all living things that prey upon others - regardless of being friend or foe. Meanwhile, she is somewhat kind towards those who are preyed upon.

The "God from Another Planet" and Chaldea.
Regardless of who was defeated, her ultimate goal was to absorb both and reign as a new human vice. That was Koyanskaya's own intentions, unrelated to Beast IV: L.
As far Koyanskaya was concerned, by all means she preferred that Chaldea was victorious - for she planned to absorb the "Master who saved humanity" alive as her 9th tail and then ascertain the spectacle of the perishing humanity with her own eyes.
"This is indeed the greatest of deserts.♡"

"Please, protect Britain." After receiving such a request from Muryan (someone she came to recognize as a friend in the 6th Lostbelt), she protected "Chaldea (Storm Border), as the only chance of salvation for Britain" from the Enshrined Deity Cernunnos. However, by having the "sediments" hoarded by Cernunnos poured into her as a result of Oberon's scheming, her Saint Graph suddenly enlarged immediately after. Unable to control her own power, she withdrew from the 6th Lostbelt.
Afterwards, the rampaging Koyanskaya took refuge in the "Non-Primate Sphere" that she had deployed・concealed over the blanked Earth and reluctantly entered an eclosion state (it was still to early, but she had no choice at that point).

Despite being established as a human vice, her foundations remained in a juvenile state to the very end. Since she never became a calamity towards humanity (as the beast of caring, she chose not to attack humanity directly out of pride), she has no epitaph as a Beast.

From the outcomes above, her Class has been denied.
Femme fatale and the likes are but false names.
This is the biosphere that was unable to thoroughly abandon humans, and continues to walk along human history.

Her name is Beast IV: Lost.
The beast carrying the principle of "caring", who couldn't become one of the seven human vices.

Independent Manifestation: B
A skill to appear in the present world independently. Despite not being a Beast settled by the "prosperity of human society", she acquired the Independent Manifestation skill through her connection with the meteor that came flying from space.
As someone who already had "came flying from another world (domain)" from the very beginning, Beast IV: L could easily breakthrough the wall between worlds - making possible for her to warp・teleport between various Lostbelts.

Authority of the Beast: E
An anti-humanity skill. She possesses the attributes of a Beast due to stepping into the aspect of Konjiki Hakumen.

Nega-Self: C
An authority to deny the "ego", "self" born in animals. While the beast of caring used to "generate, discharge the animals she had absorbed from her own cells", not only she prohibited these creatures from building their own "lineages", "genealogical trees" through mating, but she didn't even allow them to possess an "ego" as a lifeform.
The lifeforms that were turned into her underlings were all prohibited from evolution by means of growth of the body, accumulation of experience and genetic mixture.

Shapeshifting: EX
Her ability as an "Enshrined Progenitor", who can not only transform herself, but also the living creatures born from her. She produces new lifeforms by recombining their genes.

Koyanskaya (Foreigner)
『異星の神』の使徒風に振る舞っていた頃より、さらに邪悪になっている。人理を嘲笑し、人間に 辛い方。

良妻願望のない玉藻の前……いやそれ玉藻の前? という疑念は置いておく……であり、破壊者、悪霊(自然霊 )としての側面が強い。

出典:Fate/Grand Order
属性:混沌・悪  副属性:獣  性別:女性


弱いものをいたぶることを趣味とするが、それは『弱肉強食』という獣の性が前に出ているだけ。弱者には絶対 服従を強制するも、『遊び心』は忘れない。


色々と人類を弾圧する方法を考えたが、最終的に「愛玩動物のように絶対的強者に飼育される事が幸せでは?」 と至り、人類を追い詰めるに相応しい『愛玩の女神』として進化する道をチョイスした。

姿は普段のコヤンスカヤから一転して、自然神として厳粛な言動、性格になっているが……根本は何も変わって いない。むしろちょっとおおらか(霊基のスケールが上がって大雑把)になっている。

~よろしくてよ、~ございます、といった、秘書官としての口調はなりを潜め、原始的(プリミティブ)な獣と してストレートな言動をとる。
テキスト(セリフ)だけ見れば『玉藻の前+タマモキャット』だが、優雅さ、したたかさはコヤンスカヤのまま なので、そこは注意されたい。

コヤンスカヤは自分の愛情がおもむくままに契約者に奉仕し、結果として、契約者が『人間としての自分』を忘 れてしまうだけである。


まつろわざるもの、汎人類史から弾き出された『存在を許されないもの』を自らの手足とする、まさに次代の大 化生に相応しい権能。
……と言えば聞こえはいいが、ようは『使い魔作成』である。体毛のある生命であれば自らの尾のライブラリに 取り込み、新たな使い魔として生成・従える。
九尾の狐が管狐たちの総元締めであるように、コヤンスカヤもロストベルトでのみ誕生した異形たちの女王にな ろうと企んだのだ。

地球に落下した隕石に端を発するこのビーストⅣは、自らの起源となる宙域と空間を繋げる権能を 持っていた。

支配のために生み出されたシステムをよりよく使い、あらゆる動物(人類含む)を愛玩動物として飼い慣らす権 能……と本人は冷淡に語るが、ただの趣味、本能である。マネジメントによる支配、とも言う。

タマモヴィッチ・コヤンスカヤが持っていた『殺戮技巧』が変化したもの。動物を操る事に特化し た殺戮技巧。
体毛を持つ獣であれば、魔獣、幻獣、神獣のランクを問わず絶対の支配下に置き、これを完成された兵器として 酷使する。

ランク:C 種別:対界宝具
レンジ:1~9999 対象:一都市

これまで配下におさめた異形たちを取り込み、自らを大化生に変貌させて跳躍、宙から堕ちる隕石となって敵陣 を粉砕する質量攻撃。
ロシアに落下したとされる隕石、ツングースカ大爆発を模したもの。ちなみに落下した隕石の質量は10万トン に達すると言われている。

シンにおいて始皇帝は『10万トン近い霊基』と大雑把に計測していたが、データとしてコヤンスカヤの正体を 見抜いていたのだろう。さす朕。


ビーストとは『人類が発展する際に生み出される業』によって生まれる悪であり、ビーストⅣ候補であったコヤ ンスカヤもそのひとつ。
こちらのコヤンスカヤは『人類に迫害されたもの・人類が迫害に使ったもの』のうち『人類に迫害されたもの』 ……即ち、『まつろわぬ獣たち』を使役する魔神となった。

人類の生存圏(実際の生活圏、想像上の創作物)で生まれた獣たちの頭になる権利があり、また、この性能を極 限まで発揮する権能を持つ。


自然界の報復機構が擬神化したものではあるが、玉藻の前を原型にした為か、「とはいえ人間も動物ですよねぇ ?」という、自分の趣味を全肯定して好き勝手やる柔軟性がヤバい。

また、光と闇のコヤンスカヤは性質が真逆のシンメトリーな在り方だが、どちらも共通している事 がある。
どれほど人類の敵対者であり良妻願望がなかったりしても、玉藻の前が持つ『奉仕体質』だけは無 くならない。
Koyanskaya of Darkness

One of the two halves of Koyanskaya, who was divided at occasion of the divine investiture in Lostbelt: Beast IV.
The Koyanskaya of Darkness.
She is even more wicked than back when she behaved as if an apostle of the "God from Another Planet". The half that is harsh on humans and scorns the anthropic principle.

A Tamamo-no-Mae with no desire to become a good wife... (wait, does that even count as Tamamo-no-Mae? Let's leave such doubts aside for now)... She has strong aspects as a destroyer, an evil spirit (nature spirit).

Having a "strictly obedient wild nature" as her policy, this captivating beauty cruelly and bewitchingly leads humans around by their nose. She opposes the strong (in order to defeat and look down upon them as weak) and pour her affections upon the weak, controlling them. Her stance is truly that of a "queen (top) of a band o animals". Although she is a cruel beauty, she does not think of love affairs as "superfluous". According to the person herself: "their wild nature is exactly why they ought to cherish love (instinct)".

Though her nature is cruel and coldhearted, in public she does nothing but enjoy playing the part of an intellectual, competent woman. Although tormenting the weak is one of her hobbies, that nothing more than the animal nature of "survival of the fittest" coming to light. Even when coercing absolute obedience from the weak, she does not forget to be "playful".

"To get serious about exterminating humanity - that would be unseemly in itself, right?
If I have to crush you, then it's better to enjoy myself while doing so.
You humans will be killed by my

Just like that, since her personality is one that tries to enjoy herself with anything, her attacks towards humanity also end up becoming roundabout. Despite thinking of many ways to oppress humanity, she ultimately reached the conclusion of "wouldn't it be a bliss for them to be reared as a pet by the absolute strong?" and chose the path of evolving into a "goddess of caring" worthy of driving humanity into a corner.

Personality (Saint Graph 3)
Raiten Nikkou・Hono-Sumeragi-no-Himenokami(1)
With a completely different figure from the usual Koyanskaya, her personality and behaviour became more dignified as a deity of nature, but...nothing has changed at her core. Rather, she is a little more magnanimous (more coarse with the increase of scale of her Saint Graph).

Despite being a coldhearted ruler, she is also a deity that puts emphasis on wild nature, letting her personal feelings take precedence over the bigger picture.
Her verbal expressions as a secretary quieten down, behaving instead in the straight manner of a primitive animal.
If you just look at the text (remarks), she seems like a combination of "Tamamo-no-Mae + Tamamo Cat", please be advised that Koyanskaya's elegance and stubbornness remain unchanged.

Attitude towards the Contractor
Since Koyanskaya loves humans, she will neither make light of nor plan the demise of her contractor. It is just that, as she abides by her love, Koyanskaya will attend to all of her contractor's needs, causing him to eventually forget "his own self as a human".

The Master of Chaldea is also a target of suppression, but that doesn't mean she has forgotten her debts for being saved by him. A Servant that does not cooperate with Chaldea (humanity), but rather with the Master of Chaldea himself. If the Master of Chaldea were to die, she would promptly turn back into an enemy of humanity or simply disappear.

The Beasts are vices born from "the karma produced as humanity develops". As a candidate for the Beast IV position, Koyanskaya also fits that bill. Among those that "were persecuted by humanity・employed for persecution by humanity", this Koyanskaya became one of those "persecuted by humanity".
...namely, a demon god that employs all "forsaken animals".

She has the right to become the leader of all animals that were born in humanity's sphere of existence (from their actual biosphere to imaginary creations), and possesses the Authority to display that ability to the extremes.

Despite a being "of Darkness", unlike the Koyanskaya of Light, she loves humans. However, that love is pointed at them as a "target of abuse・predation・rearing". As such, she has no intention of eliminating humans. Her desire is to "have them thrive much more, and obey me even more".

An arbitrer(2) that gathered the "complaints fo the animals".
Although a pseudo-apotheosis of the natural world's retaliation mechanisms, maybe due the fact that Tamamo-no-Mae is her prototype, the flexibility and willfulness to fully affirm her own hobbies is quite something.
"That being said, humans are also animals, right?"

Also, the Koyanskaya of Light and of Darkness display an inverse symmetry in their disposition and way of being, but there is one point in common between both.
Regardless of how much of an enemy of humanity with no yearning for marriage they may become, the "predisposition for servicing" possessed by Tamamo-no-Mae alone will not disappear.

Height/Weight: 168cm・55kg
Source: Fate/Grand Order
Region: Russia
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Sub-Alignment: Beast
Gender: Female
"The management of disobedient creature.
The rearing of a creature that easily loses to her desires.
The training of an incompetent, unproductive creature.
Please leave all those to me. I am the beast of caring after all.

NFF Services: EX
An original skill by Koyanskaya, who plotted to become a new Konjiki Hakumen.
Making the forsaken ones - those expelled form the Pan-Human History as "one whose existence cannot be tolerated" - into her own puppets. Truly, an authority worthy of the next generation of great monster. would be nice if that was the case, but this is simply a "protection of familiars". She can absorb any furred lifeforms into the library of her tails and then generate・subjugate them as new familiars.
Just like the nine-tailed fox was the general manager of all mythological pipe foxes, Koyanskaya plotted to also become a queen of all grotesque creatures born only in Lostbelts.

Lifeform of the Outer Domain: C
Stemming from a meteor that fell on Earth, this Beast IV possessed an authority to connect with sector of space and dimension that became her origin.
This skill was attached to her by influence of that. Its essence differs from the one possessed by the Foreigners that came from outer space.

Dominator Fox: A
The authority to better employ a system devised for the sake of domination, domesticating any animal (including humans) as a pet... or so she says in an indifferent manner, but this is actually just her hobby, instinct. Also described as domination by means of management.

Slaughter Animal Troupe: A
A variation of the "Slaughter Finesse" possessed by Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya. A Slaughter Finesse that has been specialised in handling animals.
So long it is a furred animal, she can put it under her absolute control (regardless of it being ranked as a Magical Beast, Phantasmal Beast or Divine Beast) and exploit it as a perfected weapon.
That being said, a super-strong Divine Beast will not be subjugated completely, causing this skill's effect to stop at just improving its power.

Goddess Metamorphosis (Beast): B
The highest form of the Shapeshifting skill. It changes the field into a "Yin Prison"(3). Within this Yin Prison, men lose their reason and degrade into beasts. Their suffering increases the deeper they go.
A hellscape better described as an attempt to recreate the sumptuous feast that caused the depravity of King Zhou of Yin.
A skill that (possibly) discloses the further offenses perpetrated by Koyanskaya's prototype - Tamamo-no-Mae.


Tunguska・Nine-Drive - Heavenly-Thunder Sunlight・Flaming Downfall of the Ominous-Sound Star
Type: Anti-World
Range: 1~9999
Maximum Targets: 1 city
An aggregate mass attack in which she absorbs all the grotesque creatures that she had placed under her control until now, transforming herself into a great monster. She then leaps to space, just to turn into a falling meteor that pulverises the enemy camp.
Something that imitates the Tunguska event, when a meteor supposedly fell on Russia. Incidentally, it has been said that said meteor had an aggregate mass of over 100.000 tons.

In SIN, Qin Shi Huang made a rough measurement of "(her)Saint Graph is close to 100.000 tons". This means he was able to see through Koyanskaya's true identity as pure data. As expected of We(5).

(1)雷天日光・火皇野比売神. Roughly, "Heavenly-Thunder Sunlight, Divine Princess of the Sovereign Flame"

(2)this is the same term sometimes used towards the Ruler Class.

(3)I might be wrong, but I believe this could also be related to the Animal Realm of Buddhist traditions

(4)There is an interesting wordplay here. 落火流錘 is homophone to 落花流水 (Rakka-Ryuusui), a Japanese idiom that stands for "mutual love".

(5)as in "royal we"


イスカンダルに限りない忠誠を誓いながら、同時にイスカンダルと王の軍勢を誰よりも憎む、謎多き神代の魔術 師。

属性:中立・中庸  副属性:地  性別:女性

イスカンダルの母オリュンピアスは、かの征服王を守るため、決して裏切らない腹心と、王への呪いを防ぐため の魔術師を必要とした。

オリュンピアスが育て上げた彼女は単なる魔術師ではなく、イスカンダルの「魔術的な影武者」で あった。
名前を持たないからこそ、魔術的にイスカンダルになりすまし、あらゆる呪いを引きつけることができたからだ 。

王を守るためさまざまな欺瞞工作を仕掛け、名代としても行動した結果、後代のイスカンダルの伝承には彼女の 情報も含まれることになったという。

通常の召喚であれば、そうした記憶は残らず、仮に残る場合でもうっすらとした印象程度のはずだ が……。



剣だろうが魔術だろうが呪いだろうが、主と認めた相手のダメージを、自らに吸い寄せることができる。また、 ダメージもそのままというわけではなく、事前に対策を取っていれば大きく軽減することが可能。

ランク:C+~A+ 種別:対軍宝具
レンジ:2~100 最大捕捉:100人

生前、イスカンダルの宝具である『神威の車輪』を預かったこともある彼女は、かの戦車を牽引する神獣の代わ りに、骨でできた竜を召喚して操ったという。
本来の『神威の車輪』や、それを使った蹂躙走法『遥かなる蹂躙制覇』から比べれば、ランクは落ちるが、代わ りに魔術を使った精密操作や自律操作が可能。また、持ち主の魔力を注ぎ込むことによって、短時間ならランク を向上させることもできる。

彼女の霊基には、かつてカルデアがつくりあげた自律観測型存在証明システム・ムネーモシュネーが混ざってい る。
含有率はごくわずかなものだが、これによって彼女はプリテンダーのクラスを得て、ステータスとスキルも一部 変質することとなった。

ムネーモシュネーの混じった彼女は、こうした工房としての機能を自分の内側で働かせることがで きる。

忘却補正と似て非なるスキル。記憶の神ムネーモシュネーの名をつけられたシステムにより、カルデア式召喚で 喚ばれた場合に限定されるが、彼女は過去召喚された際の記憶をほぼ完全に持ち越すことができる 。

Hephaistion, the confidant that the King of Conquerors Iskandar supposedly favoured the most.
This woman is... not said Hephaistion.

A mysterious magus from the Age of Gods that, despite pledging her undying allegiance to Iskandar, also hates Iskandar and the Ionioi Hetairoi more than anything.

The real Hephaistion is actually her older brother.
In other to protect the King of Conquerors, Olympias (Iskandar's mother) felt the need of a confidant that wouldn't betray him no matter what and a magus that could avert all curses sent toward the king.
The former was the real Hephaistion, while the latter was her.

Having been raised by Olympias, she was no mere magus - but Iskandar's "mystical body double".
As such, she was not even given a name.
It is exactly due possessing no name of her own that she could mystically masquerade herself as Iskandar, attracting all sorts of curses to herself.

Supposedly, some of her own personal information ended up being mixed in the folklore about Iskandar by later generations as a result of her acting as his proxy and performing all sorts of deceptions in order to protect the king.

For some reason, she has completely retained the memories of her previous summoning.
Under normal circumstances, these sort of memories would not remain and, even if they did, it should be just on the level of a faint impression...
Due to those memories, she likes to be called Faker.

Autonomous observation-type existence authentication system, Mnemosyne. Such apparatus once constructed by Chaldea is mixed in Saint Graph.
Going by percentage, such content is almost negligible. However, it caused her to obtain the Pretender Class and transformed a portion of her parameters and skills.

Height/Weight: 168cm・58kg
Source: Historical fact, "Lord El-Melloi II Case Files"
Region: Macedonia,
Alignment: True Neutral
Sub-Alignment: Earth
Gender: Female
Under normal circumstances, probably it would be the real Hephaistion (and not her) to be summoned.

For He Too is Iskandar (Fake): A
A skill to imitate Iskandar's own skills and Noble Phantasms as a body double.
While the imitated skills fall by 1 Rank, it is also possible to transform their abilities.

High Speed Divine Words: B
As a magus from the Age of Gods, she can invoke a Higher-Thaumaturgy with a single word.

Grace of Anonymity: EX
A skill derived from having no name of her own. She can attract to herself the damage meant for the one she has accepted as her lord - be it from swords, magecraft or even curses. Also, said damage is not simply attracted as it is and is possible to reduce it greatly by taking the proper countermeasures beforehand.

Territory Creation: EX
A skill as Mnemosyne. As an autonomous observation-type existence authentication system, she herself is a workshop in itself, in a sense. Having mixed together with Mnemosyne, she can apply the functions of a Workshop inside herself.

Oblivion Negation: EX
A skill falsely similar to Oblivion Modifier. Derived from the system named after the deity of memories - Mnemosyne - it allows her to carry over the memories from a previous summoning almost completely. However, this is limited to only when she has been called upon by the Chaldea's summoning system.


Hecatic Wheel - Wheel of Demonic Heaven

Rank: C+~A+
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 2~100
Maximum Targets: 100 people
Due to also been granted custody of Iskandar's Noble Phantasm (Gordius Wheel) in her previous life, she can summon and operate that chariot - although it will be towed by dragons made out of bone instead of Divine Beasts.
Its Rank falls short in comparison to the proper Gordius Wheel - and the trampling rush that employs it, Via Expugnatio. But, in exchange, precise handling and remote operation by means of magecraft is possible. Also, its Rank can be raised for a short while by having the owner infuse it with magical power.


太陽神ルーの養父であるが、ルーだけでなく、クー・フーリン、ディルムッド・オディナなどの勇士に多くの魔 道具を贈ったという『与える神性』。

その中で最も有名なものの一つが『フラガラック』であり、それを現代まで伝えてきたフラガ一族の末裔を依代 にした疑似サーヴァントとして現界を果たした。

魔術協会の封印指定執行者であり、とある聖杯戦争の記憶を(部分的に)有しているようだが…… ?

出典:ケルト神話、Fate/hollow ataraxia
属性:中立・善  副属性:天  性別:女性

マナナンはケルト神話における海の神であり、異界の支配者であり、また大いなる魔術師であるとされる。クー ・フーリンの父である太陽神ルーの育ての親でもある。

ファンという妖精族の妻がおり、この妻はクー・フーリンに恋をしてその愛人となったという伝説がある。のち にクー・フーリンと別れて帰ってきた彼女を赦したマナナンは、二度と妻を奪われないよう、その姿を魔法のマ ントで隠したという。

ちなみにこの話をカルデアにいるクー・フーリンに振っても、「……よく覚えてねぇんだよな、その件は……」 としかめっ面で返してくるだけである。

協会に封印指定されるような危険な魔術師に対抗するための格闘術、魔術、精神性などを総合した能力のレベル を示す。

それに起因する力を利用する以上、本来ならば多種多様の魔術行使が可能なはずであるが、依代であるバゼット 自身の不器用さにより『彼女が元から使える魔術をパワーアップする』方向性でしか基本的に利用 できない。

言い方を変えれば、これは本来ならば万能とも言える多様性を持つ海神の力が全てシンプルすぎる用途(拳の強 化など)に一点集中されるということであり、結果として汎用性の代わりに恐るべき破壊力を生む ことになる。

ランク:EX 種別:迎撃宝具
レンジ:1~50 最大捕捉:1人

カウンターに特化した迎撃礼装であり、相手の攻撃に対し『必ず先に命中する』という因果逆転の 能力を持つ。
フラガの一族が伝承保菌者(ゴッズホルダー)として現代まで伝えていた宝具と同じものである……が、元の所 有者であるマナナンの疑似サーヴァントとなったバゼットは、それをより根源的な部分で扱えるようになってい る。

ランク:EX 種別:迎撃宝具
レンジ:1~50 最大捕捉:1人

封印指定執行者としてのバゼットが使っていたフラガラックは、一つを作成するために一ヶ月ほどの儀式を要す るものであったが、本来の所有者であるマナナンはそれより遥かに簡易に、そして多様な方法でフラガラックを 作り上げることができる。
この宝具は特にマナナンの『海の神としての性質』、そして所有しているという『海を駆ける魔法の白馬アンヴ ァル』を軸にしたものである。
今回、マナナンは波と泡の具現とも言われるその白馬アンヴァルを海の白泡に変じさせ、それを逆光剣に錬成す るという形を取る。

マナナンは多くの魔術を行使し、特に変身能力に優れていた。それを使って人間の女とも交わり、多くの子を作 ったという。

また、彼は様々な魔法の道具を所有していた。フラガラックをはじめ、魔法の船である静波号(ウェーブ・スイ ーパー)、食べても蘇る魔法のブタ、人を眠らせるリンゴの枝、陸も海も走る白馬……。 

だからこそ人類史の危機を察知し、相性のいい存在―――バゼットを依代にサーヴァントとして現 界した。
バゼットに宿っているのは本来の力のほんの一部分、切り離した自己の欠片であり、故にアルターエゴのクラス を得ている。

かつて勇士たちに魔法道具を貸し与えたときと気分的には変わらない。今回は自分の一部を貸した というだけ。
依代が予想外に不器用な女性だったことにはやや驚いたものの、現界してしまったものは仕方がな い。
Manannan Mac Lir

The Celtic god of sea and a magus. Also regarded as the lord of the Otherworld.

The foster father of the Sun God Lugh. A "divinity of bestowing" that supposedly conferred many magic items not only to Lugh, but also heroes such as Cu Chulainn and Diarmuid O'Duibhne.

One of the most famous among those would be Fragarach. By making a descendant of the Fraga Clan (which has transmitted said Fragarach to modern times) as his vessel, Manannan has manifested as a Pseudo-Servant.

The name of said human is Bazett Fraga McRemitz. An enforcer of Sealing Designations from the Mage's Association, she seems to have the memories (albeit fragmented) of a certain Holy Grail War, but...?

Manannan is regarded as a sea god from Celtic Mythology, a ruler of the Otherworld and a great magus. He is also the foster parent of the Sun God Lugh - the father of the hero Cu Chulainn.

There is a legend that his wife was a fairy named Fann, who fell in love with Cu Chulainn and became his lover. Later, Manannan forgave her after she parted ways with Cu Chulainn and returned home, but decided to conceal Fann with a magic cloak in order to never have his wife stolen again.

Incidentally, even if you bring up this story to the Cu Chulainn found in Chaldea, he will just reply with a frown in his face.
"...I don't remember that case very well..."

Manannan employed all sorts of magecraft, and his shapeshifting abilities were particularly excellent. Supposedly, he used those to consort with female humans, producing many children.

At the same time, he possessed many magic tools. To start with Fragarach, there was also the magic boat Wave-Sweeper (Silent Wave), a magic pig that was revived even if eaten, an apple brach that made people sleep, a white horse that could run through land and sea...
In mythology, he was burdened with the role of handing over such magic items to heroes.
To Lugh it was Fragarach and a ship, to Cu Chulainn a helmet, to Diarmuid a spear.

He fundamentally loves humans.
Just like a sea who bestows blessings.
That is exactly why, upon sensing the crisis of human history, he made a being with a good affinity with him (Bazett) as his vessel and manifested as a Servant.
What dwells within Bazett is but a portion of his original power - a detached fragment of himself. Thus, she obtained the Alterego Class.

Mood-wise, this is no different from back when he lent magic tools to heroes. Just that now he lent a part of himself.
Although he is somewhat astonished that his vessel is an unexpectedly clumsy woman, there is no helping it now that they have manifested.
He will just have to fully support the simple moves of building up strength before punching with the powers of a Sea God.

Height/Weight: 172cm・58kg
Source: Celtic Mythology, Fate/hollow ataraxia
Region: Ireland
Alignment: Neutral Good
Sub-Alignment: Heavens
Gender: Female
Originally, Manannan Mac Lir would be a male deity.

Enforcer of Sealing Designations: A
An anti-magus combat style that was ingrained in Bazett Fraga McRemitz's body.
It denotes the overall level of abilities such as mentality, magecraft and hand-to-hand combat meant for opposing the dangerous magi that had been designated for sealing by the Association.

Rune of the Sea God: EX
Bazett's rune magecraft, which is being employed with the power of the Sea God Manannan.
Although a bunrei, the Manannan that dwells in this Saint Graph as a Servant is still a being endowed with divinity.
By all rights, since she is making use of a power with such origins, it should be possible to employ all sorts of magecraft. However, due to the inherent clumsiness of the vessel (Bazett), it fundamentally cannot be applied for anything other than "power up the magecraft that she could already use from the beginning".

That being said, clumsiness can also be taken for purity.
Putting it in another way, this means that the originally diverse powers of the Sea God - which could be described as almighty - are being focused solely on an overly simple purpose (such as strengthening her fists). As a result, a fearsome destructive power is produced in exchange for that versatility.


Fragarach - Sword of the War God that Scoopingly Cuts
Type: Interception Noble Phantasm
Range: 1~50
Maximum Targets: 1 person
The short sword bestowed to the Sun God Lugh by Manannan Mac Lir. Also called Freagarthach. The Backlighting(1) Sword. Or Answerer - That Which Is Released Later But Severs First.
An interception mystic code that was specialized for counters, it possesses an ability of reversal of causality of "invariably hitting first" in regards to an enemy attack.
This is the same Noble Phantasm that the Fraga Clan has transmitted to modern times as God's Holders (folklore carriers)... however, having turned into a Pseudo-Servant of Manannan (its original owner), Bazett became capable of using its more primordial aspects.

Fragarach Enbarr - Sword of the War God that Fiercely Rushes
Type: Interception Noble Phantasm
Range: 1~50
Maximum Targets: 1 person
While the Bazett as an enforcer of Sealing Designations needed a month worth of rituals for the creation a single Fragarach, as its original user, Manannan can produce Fragarachs through much more convenient and varied methods.
This Noble Phantasm in particular is something that has made Manannan's "disposition as a god of seas" and the "Enbarr, the magical white stallion that runs through the sea" which he supposedly possesses as its focal point.
At this instance, it has taken the shape of "Manannan transforming the white stallion Enbarr (who is also described as an embodiment of waves and foam) into white foam, and using that to refine a Backlighting Sword"
Putting in simple terms, it is a foam-made Fragarach produced by the Sea God.

(1)There is an interesting wordplay here. 逆光 (gyakkou; backlighting) is homophone to 逆行 (gyakkou; retrogression, backward movement).
