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Fate/Grand Order General Discussion (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

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Quote Originally Posted by Comun View Post
The important parts of the staff talk:
Kanou: We have our schedule with Type-Moon, where we suggest what kind of event goes where, and this space was blank. January and its banner. We wanted to do something but didn't know what. Then somewhere along the way, Type-Moon made its decision. They pasted the note saying only "Warriors collab event". My reaction: "Warriors????". At first, all we had was this word. We make the Servants well in advance, so in this period of no information, we were completely lost on what that was supposed to be. "What? Collab? In January?". And while we were still trying to process that, they said we'd have Takeru for the New Year. "Takeru?????". The dots weren't connected yet at this point. Then in late September, the game came out, and when checking its story, all the pieces started falling into place. Sorry if this sounded unflattering, but the information-sharing process here was certainly handled with a lot of confidentiality, I assume on both sides.

Shou from Koei: Type-Moon's Takeuchi asked us a lot of questions on how much of the story would be acceptable to spoil for the collab, when they could make it, how much an extra wait would translate into more leeway on the spoiler side, and whatnot. It must have been rough for Lasengle. I imagine this happened around the summer?

Kanou: Yes, summer. That's when we start having a clear picture of what we were meant to do.
Shou: And now Boss and, as you can see in the video, Rider became playable. As for Boss, there were no plans to make him playable in either of the DLC waves, but after seeing the intense reaction to his appearance in the trailer first revealed in the FGO Anniversary Festival, we decided to make him in playable form and thankfully were able to finish him in time for this. This first wave of DLC was made based on what we found in comments about what the players wanted in terms of more comical elements, more screentime for the teams that didn't get enough in the main story, and how they wanted to see each team being rewarded.
Shou: The first wave has a major comical side do it. The second and third are similar in how they supplement the main story and how the feature new Servants. Now, speaking only in terms of my personal impressions, Wave 2 is more on the somber and stylish side, and Wave 3 is the most on-brand for what we of Koei usually do. They're all great, and they all will be released on this year, 2024.
