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[FGO JP Main Chapter] OC2: Id, Wastehole of the Unsalvageable

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Quote Originally Posted by Comun View Post
Quote Originally Posted by mami-kouga View Post
When I asked my friend they said unless they misunderstood she's closer to a Tulpa of Dantes more sensitive feelings rather than the Haydee he knew in life. I don't think he's even aware of her?
What the hell is up with Haydée is not clarified yet. The information we have is:
First, in Dantès's backstory drama CD, Haydée is primarily the narrator, but she appears talking to Dantès in one scene immediately before the first battle. The conversation ends with Dantès asking her to disappear and she actually poofing out of existence. Concetta was unaware that Haydée exists, couldn't hear her half of the conversation, and interpreted the whole situation as Dantès talking to himself.

Later, Id puts her as the narrator again, and during the narrator reveal, she explains that she's a fragment of emotion stored within Avenger Edmond Dantès. She knows all about Fujimaru because she's been inside their mind ever since Dantès has been inside their mind. She's as ghost-like as she is in the backstory drama CD, but here it doesn't demand an extra explanation because she's part of a Servant.

But the general ghost-like presentation of Haydée ties in with the other thing that Id does not clarify properly: Cagliostro's motivations.
Cagliostro is an Apostle of the Alien World, therefore he's obliged to kill Fujimaru if Fujimaru continues to oppose CHALDEAS.
But when the chips are down, Cagliostro makes it clear that he doesn't give a damn about the mission because he has no loyalty to anyone.
All that matters to him is murdering everyone Dantés still cares about. To which the only one left of Fujimaru, so reasons aside, he's still fully dedicated to the task assigned to him. CHALDEAS played well with this one—the right person in the right place.

During his motive rant, Cagliostro credits himself for killing Dantès's attachments 3 times.
1) The time he personally killed the one he loved. He must be talking about Haydée here.
2) The time his ambiguously brother-like1 companion Michael Roa drained Concetta of her blood.
3) This moment when he stabbed Fujimaru and didn't know yet about Attendre Espérer.

But the plot of the drama CD is that after Dantès's revenge preparations and before the personal revenge he enacts in the novel, his moral sense of gratitude demands that he carries out Faria's revenge before his own. Haydée is a character in the revenge phase of the novel and Concetta is a character from the drama CD set before that, but going by Cagliosto's order, Haydée died before Concetta did. Which checks out with her ghostly presence in the drama CD, but hasn't been further elaborated on.

So here we have two possibilities:
A) The two sets of profiles and voice lines we're getting this Wednesday are going to be extremely loaded.
B) Sakurai is planning a second Dantès backstory drama CD to explain the incident where Cagliostro sicced the Wild Hunt on Dantès, how he killed Haydée, and most importantly, why Cagliostro has so much beef with Dantès that he decided to make that his entire personality.

B is the one looking more likely to me, personally.

Translation notes:
1) The word used here is 同胞, which normally means either "siblings literally born from the same womb" or "fellow countrymen, generally in the sense of brothers-in-arms". However, this is also a word that sees frequent use in vampire media as what the vampires use to refer to other vampires independently of personal relationships. This is also true for Type-Moon. That's what Roa calls Nrvnqsr, what Arcueid calls the True Ancestors specifically, and Jester calls Odd Borzak despite not knowing him all that well. No further hints at Cagliostro being a Dead Apostle though, unexplained immortality aside.
