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Adventures in Ankle Recovery.

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(lol avatar change to match my current mood. Have not been enjoying the past few days for various reasons.)

So initially, I was going to do a blog post complaining about my lovely extended family since we had a visit with them today, but eh, family issues are my issues, wouldn't be cool to make them public. So instead I discuss my ankle issues!

Around the start of spring break, I twisted my right ankle. I'm not unfamiliar with twists, I've had problems with them since my high school soccer days because playing out on those fields was like trying to get your neck broken. The difference first of all was it was my right ankle; I usually twist my left. The other difference is I went over on it harder and farther than I usually do. I definitely remember hearing it crack, I could barely walk during the night, and by the next day it was all bruised and nasty.

Thankfully it wasn't fractured or broken like my dad had feared, but it's still not in the best of places months after the fact. I had to wear an air cast for two weeks and then wrap it for even longer, and then once I felt it was stable enough went without the wrap.

Of course, letting it heal is easy enough, it's getting it back up to strength that's the nasty part, and probably why it's bothering me now. My mom started me on a mild exercise program, walking two miles either in the morning or the evening, and I usually wrap my ankle for those. The first couple of days wasn't too bad, and I can walk now without the pain, but tonight it's been giving me a lot of trouble. Really sore, really tender, I'm hyper aware of it for some reason.

Granted, that might also be because today was very long and I've been stressed out the past few days, which is making me more aware of the pain, but who knows.

Quite honestly, I'm a little nervous, so I'll be speaking to my dad about it tomorrow. My grandfather is having issues because of his bum ankle, and I don't want to have his problems as I get older.

(fuck this, I'm going with Saeko tits. Haven't been disappointed by 'em yet.)

Updated May 28th, 2012 at 11:08 PM by RadiantBeam



  1. Dark Pulse's Avatar
    I'd say if you can already walk on it that far, it's healing well, but if it's overtender, then yeah, you might be overdoing it a bit.

    Or it could be that you don't have bone damage anymore, but tendon damage instead. The bones of the foot and hands are some of the slowest to heal, but I'm sure you know that.
  2. Heroslayer's Avatar
    It could be in your mind, or it could just be because you're rebuilding the muscle in a part of the body that gets a lot of punishment, maybe both.

    Looking at it after a night of sleep seems like the best idea.
  3. RadiantBeam's Avatar
    @Darples: That was what one of my friends thought, yeah. He says it sounds a lot like I did damage to the tendon.

    @Hero: Also a possibility I considered. I'll have to see what it's like tomorrow morning.
  4. Frantic Author's Avatar
    Poor Beams

    If it helps I am going to finish that thing I sent you a while ago and post it?

    (I am very helpful aren't I)
  5. Elf's Avatar
    Well, like Darples said, popped tendons hurt like a bitch and take forever to heal. I've popped a tendon in my foot and it was a horrific experience. Not to mention it took almost a year for it to totally heal.
  6. Spinach's Avatar
    I will be your trusty steed. Piggyback rides for life, never worrying about twisting your ankle again, all you gotta do is write a Roa x Rin fic.
  7. RadiantBeam's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Elf
    Not to mention it took almost a year for it to totally heal.
    .... *sob*

    @Spin: Wait what.
  8. Spinach's Avatar
    What? I'm decently strong with good endurance. I could probably piggyback you around for about 6-8 hours straight.

    Think about it.

    Piggyback rides. For life.
  9. Aiden's Avatar
    *hugs Beam*

    Here's hoping it doesn't take a year like Elf's experience suggests.

    Edit: Though I did something similar with my wrist in grade school, and yeah, it took about the timeframe she mentioned for that to go away.
    Updated May 28th, 2012 at 11:13 PM by Aiden
  10. ZidanReign's Avatar
    I vote for Takagi Boobs.

    Because I love me some Tsun.
  11. TetsuoS2's Avatar
    Sadly, I can't give out advice like these good people here, don't know enough about things like that. Though I still wish for a faster recovery for you.

    Ironically, the closest thing I have gotten to something like that, is blocking a tricycle with my hand, cause the idiot thought it was a great idea to drive on the other side of the road, luckily, I was able to react and block with my hand. Just flew probably a meter and half, suffered a month-long swollen wrist and hand, and an aching butt.
    Updated May 29th, 2012 at 09:28 AM by TetsuoS2