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ZeX's Little Island of Tiles, Washboards, and Digital Stuffings

Plague of Humanity, in the good way.

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Girl Scout Cookies.

I don't have money. But I want cookies. And I think children going out and doing things like solicitation under an organization is great preparation for competing in this bottlenecked job market, assuming they get to live long enough before a complete collapse of this market.

So yeah. Plague of humanity. taking my money that i already don't have enough of. sad times. but delicious times. but sad. but delicious. but so sad. but so delicious. but so sad. but so delici-FUCK THE BOX IS EMPTY!!!


come back here little girl, I want more of your noms. take my money.


  1. ItsaRandomUsername's Avatar
  2. Marth's Avatar
    Speaking of cookies, I had (keyword being 'had) delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies earlier. Now I find that the damn wench (female parental unit) fucking hid them for some reason.


    Also, that box of cookies you bought? It will never be full again. ;_;