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I found this sign on a seafood tank in chinatown

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It's been there for years. There used to be another sign on a nearby fish tank advertising a type of fish called "CRAP" but they got rid of it. :(


  1. Kotonoha's Avatar
    Doesn't beat the "SWEAT & SOUR PORK" at my local some-sort-of-Asian restaurant. ("CRAP" totally beats it though)
  2. Crying_Vegeta's Avatar
    hahaha delicious pig sweat. mmm-MM.

    As good as crap was, a small part of me thinks that maybe some smartass younger employee did it on purpose and they older guys didnt know any better. It stayed up for months though.

    I recall a chinese restaurant from my childhood that had "Sparer ribs," which presumably meant "now with extra spare!"
    Updated July 17th, 2012 at 10:24 PM by Crying_Vegeta
  3. food's Avatar
    According to Google Translate, it says "big sea bass". It's not even shrimps, or "shimps".
  4. Crying_Vegeta's Avatar
    hahaha well if you look, the shimps are the original sticker but it got partially covered by a new one. maybe they just change it depending on what is in. maybe the CRAP sticker is still there, but buried under a new one!